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Simon Toledano
Simon Toledano

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TIL Day 4 HTML and Ruby

I decided to do some reflecting before moving forward on any of my assignments since it has been days since I last posted. Here are some recent learnings:

  • There is a difference between flex-items and flex-containers (obvious for me now). Flex-containers are elements whose display value property is an HTML element (often the parent element) whose display property's value is flex or inline-flex. Flex-items are the direct children of a flex-container (a parent element).
  • When working on the styling you should use the following hack to better see each element on the page: * { border: thin red solid; }
  • Ruby has built-in skills called methods which enables the interpreter to read and show you results within a console
  • Ruby can do some neat computations: addition +, subtraction -, multiplication *, division/, exponents **, and modulo %.
  • Ruby allows for us to get user input by using get.chomp. Retrieving user input through this method felt very different in comparison to HTML, so I was initially thrown off but that's life.

Anyways, my first impression of Ruby is that it is a beast, but I am down for the challenge. I hope to keep trudging on through the Codecademy Ruby course these next couple days.

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