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A CEO's #1 Tip On How Stand Out As A New Full-Stack Developer in A Competitive Market ⚡

Matthew Collison on August 26, 2019

Want to listen to the full episode? Check the bottom of the post! Andrew Brown (CEO of joined us recently to talk about a load of topi...
kensixx profile image
Ken Flake

My top skill is more on the back-end side of things, as my creative side is not that good to perform UI/UX and stuff. But I can definitely do front-end programming given that I have the UI design and whatnot =)

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Thanks Ken! A lot of UI isn't being creative - I'm terrible at creative thinking for design but there are a lot of principles you can read and follow in your designs to make things stand out.

Anyway, DM coming your way with a free course! Thanks!

kensixx profile image
Ken Flake

Oh, I just seriously knew this just now. Didn't know you don't have to be outright "artsy" fellow to be good at it. You just need to follow certain principles. Thanks very much for this information. I'll definitely look it up on the internet.

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matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Yeah Ken, check this tweet storm from Steve Schoger - he puts out strategies you can immediately put in place in your existing designs to make them look 10x cleaner and more professional

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kensixx profile image
Ken Flake

Had a lot of interesting things that I learned during the read! Thank you so much for this. I'll definitely keep and apply this one for future use.

gr33nlight profile image

I have been working as a Php backend developer for 3 years now and I would say backend programming is my top skill, I'm trying to also learn some frontend tech, trying to learn React right now 💪

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Awesome! Do you use a framework when working in PHP? And React is a great choice and fairly future proof. I'd suggest checking out Vue too as it ties in quite well with PHP's Laravel.

If you want free access to Andrew's AWS course, drop us a DM and we'll send you a coupon for 100% off.

gr33nlight profile image

I use mainly laravel as framework, I might check out vue Js too, thanks for the suggestion :)
I'll shoot you a dm thanks!!

sbenemerito profile image
Sam Benemerito

Backend development aside, my top tech skill would most probably be being able to use Python to automate most of the simple things I repeatedly do :D though I'm still just learning about automating stuff related to servers and deployment (devops, SRE, etc).

Awesome post, got me more motivated to learn more 👍

sebastiandg7 profile image
Sebastián Duque G

A podcast fan here. Nothing better to make dead time a profitable time! My top skill is learning 📚. I'm currently leveling up my Angular skills.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Oh awesome Sebastian, thanks for being a listener! Let us know if there's anyone you want to be on (or even if you want to be on yourself!)

That's also easily our favourite answer - if you can strategically learn and actually have a passionate for the process of learning something, the skills come naturally. It's something I work on a lot and will forever work on, the process of effective self-teaching.

Also, free AWS course coming your way! Thanks again for your support and comment :)

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Forgot to ask you to DM us first or follow back - either of means we can send you a message! Thanks

sebastiandg7 profile image
Sebastián Duque G

Just DM you. Thanks!

vncntdzn profile image
Vincent Dizon

My top skills are doing the backend as of now using ExpressJS and doing some frontend using VueJS

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Vue is awesome - we use it on most of our projects! It's great that you're learning full stack JS too as it's a great way to get backend and frontend experience without the costly time of learning a backend language too.

I'll also send you a copy of Andrew's AWS course straight to the DMs!

vncntdzn profile image
Vincent Dizon

Yeah thanks. May I ask, why dis you chose Vue for your projects?

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matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Well, with the abudance of choices, which are all good choices by the way, we went with Vue because:

  • The person who created the framework (Evan You) created the framework with DX (developer experience) in mind. Which means unlike the other frameworks from the big players, he really focused on making everything as readable and verbose as possible.
  • The above point makes on boarding much easier, as it allows to bring Vue developers into the team and train juniors up to use it in much less time. A framework is no substitute for good code, but Vue gave us the best results in that area (we tested this!)
  • It is quite un-opinionated in structure and we didn't want to tie ourselves down to one way of developing. It plays great with our existing tools and classes and that's perfect for us.
ponickkhan profile image
Md.Rafiuzzaman Khan 🇧🇩

my top skill is php .

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Thanks for the comment Ponick! Open your messages and I'll send you access to the AWS course.

ponickkhan profile image
Md.Rafiuzzaman Khan 🇧🇩

Thank You! My inbox now open

macmacky profile image
Mark Abeto • Edited

I think my Top skill rn is JavaScript.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

JS seems to be the most popular answer!

If you want free access to Andrew's AWS course, drop us a DM and we'll send you a coupon for 100% off.

macmacky profile image
Mark Abeto

Thanks! Can I DM you on Linkedin?

gummerandy profile image
Andy Gummer

My top skill is react.js. I just love working with a virtual DOM and stores like Redux make it even more fun.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Your attitude is on point!!! Check your DMs for free access to Andrew's AWS course :)

djpandab profile image
Stephen Smith

Matthew great read! MY best tech skill is CSS.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Thanks Stephen! Drop us a DM and we'll drop you free access to Andrew's AWS course

bbarbour profile image
Brian Barbour

My top skill right now is probably Javascript. But, I'm having fun constantly exploring all sorts of tech.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

It's a fantastic attitude to maintain throughout your career to explore different types of tech! You never know what tools can be useful on what project.

Can you open a DM with us Brian, then we can send you access to the free AWS Course 😄

hayrettinm profile image
Hayrettin Mavis

As a backend developer I love exploring different paths. Just discovered this series and liked so much. Thank you, very informative post and podcast indeed :)

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison • Edited

Thanks so much for your comment, we are really glad you like the series and find everything very informative! Andrew has a way of putting things and he's got a lot of insights he's clearly been thinking about, so we're glad to bring this to you.

On the point of exploring different paths, if cloud computing is something you're interested in, Andrew is kindly giving away free courses to get you certified - he usually charges for these but the first 100 commenters on this post get them without charge. If you want access to that just DM us on here and we'll send it over.

Thanks for engaging regardless! :)

sophiabrandt profile image
Sophia Brandt

My top tech skill is not giving up and just learning enough to get productive. (I hope that counts.)

stereobooster profile image

It is. I'm N years in the industry and still find something to learn every day. There is no way one person will know everything. Learning on the go and solving an actual problem in front of you is a pragmatic approach. 👍

frozzare profile image
Fredrik Forsmo

My top skills are JavaScript, Go and PHP with React. Different language for different things!

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

You're very diverse there! Having both async + sync and functional + OOP languages under your belt is a huge advantage in this industry. Let's add cloud to that stack - free course access coming your way!

jhonsontian profile image

My top skill is javascript and react native.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Nice! Into that JS Mobile Dev Stack! I'll send you free AWS course access shortly.

bakerchad79 profile image

Can someone help me? I graduated as a full stack developer and feel stuck. I want to make a mobile app. My number is+14692265917

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

We wouldn't help over phone Chad but you can always put #help posts on here! It's an open community and everyone's happy to help.

aortizoj15 profile image
Alexis Ortiz Ojeda

My top skill right now would be JS mainly using in front end with React! Thank you!

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Awesome, Alexis! Are you working currently or in the learning stages and looking to get a job?

Also, we'll send you free access to the course from Andrew's company if you send us a DM. Thanks for commenting!

julianazuniga profile image

My top skill is discipline. It helps me to develop another skills :)

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Gotta develop those soft skills too! :)

If you want free access to Andrew's AWS course, drop us a DM and we'll send you a coupon for 100% off.

flyznex profile image

My top skill is back-end architecture design. I use .Net core, Go.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Awesome! I've been trying to learn GoLang, it seems great and unique in the way it handles concurrency.

If you want free access to Andrew's AWS course, drop us a DM and we'll send you a coupon for 100% off.

ramansrsta profile image
raman shrestha

My top skill is Node and React........

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Nice! If you want free access to Andrew's AWS course, drop us a DM and we'll send you a coupon for 100% off.

qpzm profile image
Hyunmin Lee

My top skill is ruby & rails, and definitely agree with Andrew in that aws is one of must-have skills.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Indeed, cloud in general is just an amazing way to stand out. Drop us a DM and we'll send you free access to his course!

tyeshi181 profile image
tyeshi181 • Edited

my top skill is javascript but i am constantly trying to fill my language arsenal.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Thanks Tyeshi! Send us a message on here and we'll give you free access to's CCP course to help you get certified.

pacosoul profile image
J Francisco Herrera Roldan

Hi, mi top skill is PHP + Javascript in many levels now (Laravel + Vuejs). But always near AWS.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Sweet - that's the same stack we use!

If you want free access to Andrew's AWS course, drop us a DM and we'll send you a coupon for 100% off.

naomatheus profile image

My best tech skill is APIs (architect 'em, build 'em, break 'em). Especially in Python!
I could definitely use this course so Thanks!

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison • Edited

You've got the process down! AWS course link coming your way

marcocornejo profile image
Marco Cornejo

My top skill is Javascript, currently interested in API development, and as such I'd like to take the AWS courses in order to learn about working with the Cloud. Cheers.

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Access coming your way Marco! Enjoy the course.

lmolivera profile image
Lucas Olivera

My top skills is Javascript, I simply love Frontend but I also practice Backend to become a Fullstack Developer someday!

refiloedig profile image
Refiloe Digoamaye

Yo! I am obsessed with learning new things, My best tech skill is HTML/CSS. Non-tech is UX research

luciagirasoles profile image
Mayra Navarro

My top skill is ruby. I really love enumerables

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Andrew loves Ruby too! He's been using it since the very early version (Andrew, correct me, 0.52??) and ExamPro is built on it.

We'll send you access to his AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner via DM, you just need to send us one first so we can connect - or follow us back. Either will do :)

taragrg6 profile image

My top skill is in DevOps. Especially, using the Cloud Service provider like AWS and creating a CICD pipelines.

davidburbury profile image
David Burbury

My top skills at present are HTML & CSS. I am currently learning Javascript with the intention of adding React, VUE, Node & WebGL/Three.js to my skills.

venubattula profile image

oh..My top skill is Linux. thanks.

lmauromb profile image
Luis Mauro

My top skill would be knowing random stuff of JS but now I’m also adding knowing random stuff about Python and Docker 🐍🐳

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

Good to see you working across multiple technologies!

If you want free access to Andrew's AWS course, drop us a DM and we'll send you a coupon for 100% off.

kaka profile image
Ruto Collins

My top skill is API development with Ruby on Rails and GraphQL 😇

matthew_collison profile image
Matthew Collison

You'll get there! If you want free access to Andrew's AWS course, drop us a DM and we'll send you a coupon for 100% off.

masoneg profile image

Full stack is a competitive market? LOL ok. We're talking about people doing 3 - 4 jobs in one, which very few can effectively do. Any true full stack dev can get any job he wants.

_justirma profile image
Irma Mesa

Top skill is JS

wannabehexagon profile image

Great read my man, I think I'm personally best at backend development. I appreciate what you're doing for us developers!

sheepswearhats profile image

Top skill, all things considered, would be Javascript

chiranjibilawati10 profile image
Chiranjibi Lawati

My skill is more on back-end more than front-end .Want to be a senior node js and angular developer.

ihsaan700 profile image

Hey Matthew, my top tech skill is JavaScript.