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Boris Ochieng
Boris Ochieng

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Navigating Mobile Development Platforms and Some Common Architecture Patterns


Over the years, computers have become increasingly smaller, leading to the widespread use of smartphones, which are among the smallest and most common computing devices. Smartphones run operating systems that support various applications, which need to be developed. This article discusses different mobile application development platforms, which are tools and environments used to create these applications.

Mobile Development Platforms

  • Android

    Built by Google, Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open-source software, designed primarily for smartphones and tablets. Apps targeting Android are developed using various programming languages, including Java, a statically typed language used with XML views to render the UI. Kotlin, now the official programming language, is also statically typed and used with XML, though Jetpack Compose is the modern approach for UI development. C and C++ are used for high-performance applications like video games. Android Studio, combined with Gradle, is the primary IDE for building Android applications.

  • iOS

    Developed by Apple, iOS is used for iPhone and iPad devices. Apps for iOS are built using Swift, the main programming language, with SwiftUI and UIKit for UI development. Xcode is the primary IDE used for iOS development.

  • React Native

    React Native is an open-source UI framework based on the JavaScript library React, developed by Meta (formerly Facebook). It extends React principles to build native Android and iOS applications from a single codebase, making development cost-effective and efficient. The main programming languages used are JavaScript and TypeScript, with development tools including Visual Studio Code and Expo.

  • Flutter

    Created by Google, Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit for building cross-platform applications from a single codebase. It supports Android, iOS, web, and desktop applications. Dart is the main programming language, and development tools include Android Studio and Visual Studio Code.

  • Xamarin

    Developed by Microsoft, Xamarin is used for building cross-platform applications. The main programming languages are C# and the .NET framework. Development tools include Visual Studio Code and Xamarin Studio. Xamarin has been discontinued in favor of MAUI, which primarily uses the .NET framework for cross-platform development, with Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code as development platforms.

  • Ionic

    Ionic is an open-source UI toolkit for building cross-platform mobile, web, and desktop applications using various JavaScript frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, and Vue. The main programming languages are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and/or TypeScript, with Visual Studio Code as the development environment.

Architecture Patterns

Architecture patterns generally split applications into loosely coupled layers, including aspects like data sources, state management, and data presentation. This separation of concerns helps create a more modular, testable, scalable, and maintainable codebase, improving the overall quality of the application.

Data Source

Many apps handle data, which could involve reading or writing data from external services like REST APIs or locally on the device.

State Management

State management involves handling the application's state, which describes the current status of the application at any given time. This can include user inputs, UI updates, data fetched from sources, or any information needed for the application to be responsive or dynamic.


The presentation layer is responsible for displaying the user interface (UI) and handling user interactions. It is often designed to be separate from the business logic and data layers to ensure a clear separation of concerns.

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)

MVVM is an architecture pattern commonly used on Android and iOS with SwiftUI. It separates apps into three layers: Model (responsible for data management), View (the user interface), and ViewModel (which retrieves data from the Model and manages the state observed by the View).

  • Promotes clear separation between UI, data, business logic, and presentation logic.
  • Easy to test, as business logic is independent of the View.
  • Useful when multiple Views share the same business logic.
  • Layers are separated, making code modifications easier.
  • Can introduce complexity in small applications.
  • Not all development environments and frameworks support MVVM.
  • Requires more setup, increasing initial development time with boilerplate code.

Model-View-Intent (MVI)

MVI is mostly used in Android and focuses on unidirectional data flow. The Model represents the application's state. Each state change produces a new state rather than modifying the existing one. The View renders the UI based on the current state of the Model, and Intents are actions or events triggered by the user or system, processed by a central component called a "Reducer."

  • Unidirectional data flow simplifies debugging and reduces bugs.
  • Immutability ensures that each state change creates a new state, avoiding issues with simultaneous state access/modification.
  • Separation of concerns makes the application easier to test and maintain.
  • The UI always reflects the current state consistently due to a single source of truth.
  • Can introduce unnecessary complexity in simple applications.
  • Steep learning curve compared to other patterns.
  • Potential performance issues due to the creation of new state objects.

Clean Architecture

Clean Architecture splits the application into three layers: Presentation, Domain, and Data. The Presentation layer handles the UI and state management, the Domain layer contains entities or data models and Interactors or Use Cases that process data from the Data layer, and the Data layer is responsible for data fetching locally or remotely. It is commonly used in iOS and Android development.

  • Each layer has a clear responsibility, making the code "cleaner" and easier to understand and maintain.
  • Easier to scale and maintain, designed for large projects.
  • Simplifies testing as different layers can be tested independently.
  • New developers may find it challenging to grasp its concepts compared to MVVM or MVI.
  • Introduces complexity for small applications.
  • Requires a lot of boilerplate code, increasing initial development time.


Redux is popular among React Native developers and shares principles with MVI. It involves three main components: Store, Reducer, and Actions. The Store is the single source of truth for the application's state. Actions define changes to the state, and Reducers use the current state and action to create or return a new state, specifying how the state changes in response to an action.

  • Predictable state management due to immutability.
  • A single store ensures consistency and simplifies state management.
  • Middleware support provides powerful ways to handle asynchronous actions and logging.
  • Can lead to performance issues if implemented incorrectly in large applications.
  • Introduces a considerable amount of boilerplate code.

Business Logic Component (BLoC)

Used widely in Flutter, BLoC ensures a distinction between the UI layer and business logic. It involves three main components: Events (user interactions), State (the output of BLoC), and BLoC (where the business logic resides).

  • Highly maintainable with isolated business logic that can be modified without affecting the UI layers.
  • Facilitates adding new features and scaling the application.
  • Business logic components can be reused in different parts of the application.
  • Adds complexity to smaller projects.
  • Has a steep learning curve for new developers.

No development platform, tool, or architecture pattern is universally the best; the choice depends on project requirements.

I would like to conclude by sharing my recent journey with the HNG Internship. As a new participant with a Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology and over 12 months of experience working on solo projects, I am eager to collaborate with a team and gain insight into team dynamics. This opportunity excites me not only for the chance to enhance my skills but also to connect with fellow developers at HNG and learn from their experiences.

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