Are you like me and have an ocean of files in your downloads folder? No matter how I try or promise myself I'll clean it up daily I never do. So, this morning I decided to throw a small app together with Ruby and do something about it!
What the app does:
- Goes through all the files and directories in your
folder and checks the last modified date, and then moves the file/directory into a subfolder in downloads according to the year it was last modified.
require 'find'
require 'fileutils'
downloads_folder = File.join(Dir.home, "Downloads")
## Array of years, used in the filtering logic.
yearly_folders = ["2019", "2020", "2021", "2022", "2023", "2024", "2025"]
Dir.foreach(downloads_folder) do |file|
## Filtering logic.
## Skip Subfolders and Foldersnames included in "yearly_folders" array.
next if file == "." || file == ".." || yearly_folders.include?(file)
## Makes creates a string for the path of the file/directory
path = File.join(downloads_folder, file)
next unless File.exists?(path)
## Getting the modified date of the file/directory.
last_edited = File.mtime(path)
year = last_edited.strftime("%Y")
new_directory = ("#{downloads_folder}/#{year}")
## If a folder with modified file's year does not exist - create it.
puts "Create Folder"
## If the file/directory is NOT the same as the new_directory, move it to the new directory.
if path != new_directory,new_directory)
Now, this works well enough for me right now. I've also added it to automatically run whenever I login to my account. 💪🏻
But in the future I'll be implementing:
- Subfolders for months
- Filter by filetype
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