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Deploy on on Hetzner

In my previous article, i explained how to deploy on digitalocean using caprover.In this article, I'll explain how to do the same thing on hetzner. is an open source scheduling platform that enables you to take bookings on your own terms. Set your availability, connect your favorite calendar and video conferencing platforms, and share your link. It's that simple.

What is Caprover

Caprover is an Opensource Platform as a service like Heroku that allows you deploy web apps on a vps, Caprover uses docker to manage this and issues free ssl certificates powered by letsencrypt.

Follow this guide i worked on to set caprover up on Hetzner.

Once you have caprover running, Follow the exact same steps i detailed in the digitalocean guide. Ensure you have your environment variables added.


In this we have beenn able to deploy on Hetzner using Caprover.

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