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Krystal Speer
Krystal Speer

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I have come a long way from where I used to be. I used to let every small thing get to me and ruin my whole day and then that day turned into 2 and then a whole week would go by and  I would have nothing accomplished, and I seemed to somehow make things worse. Everyone has their own struggle but most people have a hard time to survive or thrive when they face a challenge. Running away from a challenge or an obstacle is the worst thing anyone could do. No matter how much we want to run away from problems or challenges in our lives, we have no choice but to face our problems in the face and fight our demons.
I am new to the Tech world and so far everyday there a new challenge. I never thought I would be sitting here self learning a new career. So when I start getting frustrated when I can figure something out here are a few things I have tried to get me to the next step.
  1. Changing my attitude or perception of the problem.

  2. You have to remind yourself that you are NEW… Don’t turn a molehill
    into a mountain

  3. Stay positive and don’t beat yourself up

4.Stop comparing your work with someone else. WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS!!

So just remember take it one day at a time and when you are struggling use you resources, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

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