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🔍 Seeking Guidance from the Community: Object Detection and SMS Integration 📲👀

Hey folks! 👋 I'm diving headfirst into the fascinating world of object detection, with an ambitious goal in mind: creating my very own full-body tracking model. But here's the twist – I want to take it a step further by integrating SMS notifications into the mix.

I'm reaching out to this awesome community for some guidance and advice. Here are the key areas I'd love some input on:

Object Detection Frameworks: Which frameworks have you found most effective for object detection tasks? Any personal favorites or recommendations?

Training Data and Annotations: How do you suggest approaching data collection and annotation for full-body tracking? Any tips for building a diverse and comprehensive dataset?

Model Training Tips: What strategies have worked well for fine-tuning object detection models, particularly for full-body tracking? Any pitfalls to watch out for?

SMS Integration: Have you ever integrated SMS notifications into a project like this before? Any pointers on choosing the right API/service and handling message triggers effectively?

General Advice and Best Practices: Any other words of wisdom or lessons learned from your own experiences in the field of computer vision and/or SMS integration?

I'm super grateful for any insights, resources, or personal anecdotes you can share.🌟 Thanks in advance for your help!

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