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My favorite sveltekit setup

What I immediately liked about the UI kit flowbite was its dark-mode integration. Meanwhile, it has grown into one of the most popular tailwind component libraries and has graced the svelte community with a solid component library.

However, setup, customization and adding common structure & utilities is a waste of time if your goal is to jump right into development.

After using our boilerplate within the company, it is now open sourced and ready for your consideration:

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My one minute setup

After running the npx command, I quickly adjust colors in src/lib/colors.js. Then I share the complete project on Github. In order to enable easy client reviews, I go to the settings of the repository and enable Github pages based on Github actions (the package is equipped with a deployment script triggered at pushes/pulls to "main", there's nothing additional you need to do).
Next, I adjust the file static/manifest.json to my needs.
That's it: I am ready to develop.

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