DEV Community

steph 🇮🇳
steph 🇮🇳

Posted on

Hello Developers, I'm Steph

This is my first post on and I am planning to write my daily progress here. I am choosing Java for learning and making things.
My plan is to learn Basic syntax. After Basic syntax I would be focusing on DSA and then some OOPS concepts.
Let's see if i could achive this target or not.
Any correction and feedback is highly appreciated.

Top comments (1)

shahardikk profile image
Shah Hardik • Edited

Hey Steph!
I recently started coding with Java, learnt DSA and solved a few questions for a month and right now I am focusing on building few beginner projects with Java.

I would love to see your daily progress and if you need any resources do ask, I can share the links of YouTube channels and Videos I followed through my self learning journey.