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Linux User Creation Bash Script

Automated User and Group Management Script


Managing users and groups in a Linux environment can be a tedious task, especially when dealing with a large number of users. To streamline this process, we've created a bash script named that automates user and group creation, assigns users to specified groups, sets up home directories, generates random passwords, and logs all actions.

Github repo Link


  • Automated User and Group Creation: Creates users and personal groups.
  • Group Assignment: Assigns users to multiple groups as specified.
  • Random Password Generation: Generates secure random passwords for each user.
  • Logging: Logs all actions to /var/log/user_management.log.
  • Secure Password Storage: Stores passwords securely in /var/secure/user_passwords.csv.


  • Ubuntu (or a similar Linux distribution)
  • Root or sudo access

Script Breakdown

  • Logging: The script logs all actions with timestamps to /var/log/user_management.log using the log_action function.
  • User and Group Creation:
    • The script reads the input file line by line.
    • Each line is split into a username and groups.
    • Personal groups (with the same name as the username) are created if they don't already exist.
    • Users are created if they don't already exist and are added to their respective groups.
  • Password Generation and Storage:
    • The script generates a random password for each user using openssl rand.
    • Passwords are set for each user and stored securely in /var/secure/user_passwords.csv with appropriate permissions.


This script simplifies the process of managing users and groups on a Linux system, making it efficient and error-free. It is particularly useful for large environments where user and group management is a frequent task.

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