Selenium is a tool for automating web browsers, and is often used for testing websites, especially for end-to-end testing. Rust is commonly known as a Systems Programming language and might not be your first choice when it comes to browser testing but it can actually work pretty well.
First, let's introduce Rust.
For those who may not be familiar with the Rust language, let me give you a small taste of what its strengths are. This won't be a comprehensive introduction, but I hope to give you a sense of why this language exists and what it can offer you.
Rust code often performs very well due to it being a statically compiled language and also due to it encouraging patterns that naturally lead to good optimizations.Safety
Rust prevents entire classes of common bugs and mistakes, which means your code is more likely to work correctly. Safety-by-default is a very common theme in Rust.Rich type system
Rust has a very expressive type system which allows you to more accurately model your data objects and the relationships between them. It borrows many of the best features from other languages including its familiar syntax.Awesome and welcoming community
Rust has a fantastic community behind it, willing to help you learn and succeed with the language. Click here for more info
Required tools for selenium
To use selenium, we first need to download the selenium server from here.
Selenium server is written in Java so you will also need Java installed.
We also need a webdriver
to interact with your browser of choice. We will use Chrome, so you will need chromedriver
which you can download from here.
Check your version of Chrome (open Chrome and select menu > Help > About Google Chrome
) and then download the version of chromedriver
that corresponds to your version of Chrome.
Unzip the downloaded file and place the chromedriver
executable somewhere in your PATH. You can put it in the same directory as the selenium jar file if you want.
Now start selenium like this:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar
This should start selenium server on port 4444.
Let's see the code
In order to interact with a web browser from Rust we will use the thirtyfour
library (or "crate" in Rust lingo).
It is called "thirtyfour" because 34 is the atomic number for the Selenium chemical element.
Full Disclosure: I wrote the thirtyfour
crate, with contributions from several other volunteers as well.
use thirtyfour::prelude::*;
use tokio;
async fn main() -> color_eyre::Result<()> {
let mut caps = DesiredCapabilities::chrome();
let driver = WebDriver::new("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub", &caps).await?;
Some brief notes about other crates we are using:
We are using tokio for async/await. If you want to learn more about async in Rust, click here.
If you prefer not to use async, there is a sync version of the crate called thirtyfour_sync.
We are also using the awesome
crate for error reporting. It makes any error messages much clearer.
Ok, so firstly we set up a DesiredCapabilities
struct. In this case we want to use the Chrome presets. There are also presets for other browsers (to use other browsers you need the webdriver for that browser in your PATH).
We want to enable the automation flags for Chrome, via this line:
And then we start the web browser and return a WebDriver
struct for us to interact with it.
If you run the above code you should see a Chrome browser open and automatically navigate to
. Note that selenium will automatically wait for the page to load. This can all happen fairly quickly so if you need it to wait at the end you can add this line (requires the time
feature of tokio):
(In previous versions of tokio, sleep
was named delay_for
Aside: The ? symbol in Rust
You may be wondering what the ? symbol is for at the end of each line. This is an error-handling feature of Rust. You can see that the main() function returns a Result. This means it can either return Ok(value)
or Err(error_value)
. The ? is a shorthand way of handling the error without having to type out all of the boilerplate code.
It is the equivalent of doing something like this:
let result = WebDriver::new("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub", &caps).await;
let driver = match result {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(error) => return Err(error)
But this would get very tedious so instead Rust provides the ? operator so we can just do this instead:
let driver = WebDriver::new("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub", &caps).await?;
Great! Now let's make it do something
First we want to find a particular element. To do this we use an element selector. We can search by Id, Name, Class name, Tag, and we can use CSS or XPath selectors as well.
To keep things simple, let's search by Id.
let elem_search = driver.find_element(By::Id("searchInput")).await?;
This will find the element with the id searchInput
and then type the word selenium
into it.
Note that we can also search for an element that is nested below another element. Another way to locate the searchInput
element is as follows:
let elem_form = driver.find_element(By::Id("search-form")).await?;
let elem_search = elem_form.find_element(By::Id("searchInput")).await?;
This will first find the element with id search-form
and then it will look for an element with id searchInput
that is nested below the first element. This can be useful for performing more complex element searches, however you should also check out CSS and XPath selectors which can often do the same thing in one single query.
If you want to get more information about this element, you can get CSS properties like this:
println!("Font size: {}", elem_search.get_css_property("font-size").await?);
This will display the font size of the search
input element.
Ok, now let's find a button and click it.
let elem_button = elem_form.find_element(By::Css("button[type='submit']")).await?;;
Here you can see the CSS selector being used to locate the button
If preferred you can shorten the code by simply chaining these calls together, like this:
At this point we could "sleep" for a few seconds to wait for the page to load, but using "sleep" in selenium tests is often very unreliable and can result in flaky tests.
Instead, it is better to locate some element on the page that indicates the page has finished loading. So let's wait for the page heading.
By default, thirtyfour
sets a 30 second implicit wait for all element searches. For more advanced polling, see thirtyfour_query, but the implicit wait will work fine for this particular example.
If for some reason the element was not found within 30 seconds, the above call would return an error (WebDriverError::NoSuchElement
). That error would be propagated up by the ? operator and would return the error from the main()
function, exiting the program.
Now we can display the page title, like this:
println!("Title = {}", driver.title().await?);
And this should display "Selenium - Wikipedia" if everything has worked correctly.
So hopefully this has given you a taste of how you can automate a web browser in Rust. This is also useful for testing your web applications, especially if those applications are also written in Rust.
A little "Rusty" feature
There is one more thing I want to point out, and it's something perhaps unique to Rust.
The thirtyfour
crate uses a feature of Rust called lifetimes
to guarantee at compile-time that no references to the selenium session can be used after the browser has been instructed to close. It does this by sharing a reference to the session between the WebDriver
and all WebElement
structs related to it. When you call WebDriver::quit()
(or the WebDriver
struct goes out of scope) this will consume the struct and destroy the session, and this means Rust knows that all of the other references to it are now invalid and cannot be used.
The following code will not compile:
let driver = WebDriver::new("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub", &caps).await?;
let elem_search = driver.find_element(By::Id("searchInput")).await?;
// The session is "moved" here, preventing further use of either the driver or elements.
// This attempts to "borrow" the session after it has been moved, which Rust will not allow.
elem_search.send_keys("this won't work").await?;
The Rust compiler tells us that the call to driver.quit()
here is not allowed because the driver is also "borrowed" later in the call to elem_search.send_keys()
While other selenium libraries may be able to perform such checks at runtime, Rust is able to do the check at compile-time, saving you time in debugging and making your tests a little bit more reliable from the start.
Thank you for reading. Hopefully I have shown you that interacting with a web browser in Rust can be quite easy, especially if you are already familiar with Selenium :)
For more documentation on the thirtyfour
crate, click here
Top comments (7)
Hello Steve,
So I have a similar question to the one above. Lets say we have a dropdown. For example lets take this checkout page I found:
(Apologies for the '--' included in the tags. I wasn't sure exactly how to post html here directly. It kept displaying it normally without any of the html syntax)
<--select class="select optional" name="order_billing_state" id="order_billing_state" aria-invalid="false">
<--option value="AL">AL
<--option value="AK">AK
<--option value="AS">AS
<--option value="AZ">AZ
-- Currently I have it set to target the element by the ID. But i'm not sure exactly how to target those elements enclosed in the tag. Any ideas?
let elem_order_billing_state = driver.find_element(By::Name("order_billing_state")).await?;
You can target them directly using xpath "option[text()='AK']" (or you can match on the value instead of the text if preferred).
It may be possible to just click the option directly but if not then just click the select element first then the option.
Alternatively the CSS selector can also work e.g. "option[value='AK']"
These questions are really general selenium questions not specific to thirtyfour or Rust. The same will apply using any selenium framework or library. As I mentioned some libraries do provide a wrapper for select elements specifically but it's just doing the above for you.
Now I need ti learn rust.
One QQ though, do you have a oerformance comparison between thid and seleniummin ruby ir python?
Maybe java too?
I have not done any such performance comparison. Selenium is essentially done by just firing off a bunch of web requests to either selenium server or the WebDriver itself (you can use it with chromedriver directly, for example). I guess rust can probably issue more requests in less time than those other languages but the difference is going to be small I think. Especially if you add polling or waiting into the mix. Performance is also dependent on the website being navigated to some degree.
The advantage with rust would probably be in the correctness / safety guarantees it provides and also the lower CPU and memory overhead.
That id whatI thought, the logic part should not be heavy on the code using selenium srver or webdriver anyway.
Is there a way to select from a drop down with thirtyfour?
There is no wrapper for this. You will need to click the dropdown, then search for the desired element and click that. For select elements specifically it may not even be necessary to click the dropdown first.
If you look at the code for other selenium libraries, that is all they do. Some have wrappers for the select element specifically but not other dropdown components.