Overview of My Submission
Our "Simple Task reminder" is a simple server less web app built with React and MongoDB Realm, Atlas. This app allows a user to create and manage a user account and to Create, Read, Update, Delete a task. A task is a simple to-do kind of thing that you want the app to keep a note and remind you of it timely. A task has a title, may or may not have a description and other data which is useful for backend logic implementation.
The user flow of the app will be as follows:
User Sign-in/ Sign-up
This is built using MongoDB Realm
- A new user creates an account. Which sends the user a confirmation email to confirm the user's email and notifies the user about the email being sent.
- User then confirms his email to finish setting up his account.
- User can always reset his password from the home page by clicking the "Forgot Password" link.
- When the User login's, the user is then navigated to a page where a list of his incomplete tasks are displayed. If there are no incomplete tasks the user is prompted to create a new task.
- User can create an new task by clicking the button that says "Create New Task". Then, a modal appears that helps user to create the task.
- Once the task is created it is displayed on to the page where user created a task. Initially the task is marked incomplete.
- When the user completes the task he can click "Complete Task" button to mark task a complete. This updates the task to be completed and removes it from the screen.
- Optionally user can Delete his task.
- All these CRUD operations are implemented using Realm App.
- Finally, if the user forgot to complete the task. The app will remind the user at 3:00pm AEST every day. This functionality is built using the Triggers and Realm Functions. The email is sent using SendGrid's npm package.
- Finally, the user can logout using the logout button on the nav-bar(Displayed only if the user is logged in.)
Submission Category:
Action Star; Automation Innovation.
Link to Code
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