Previously i’m using xmodmap to re-map shortcut CapsLock + HJKL to navigate using vim mode globally. But, it’s don’t work anymore on Wayland. And then, I found some answer on askubuntu to modify xkbd keymap.
Edit following file :
Make sure create a backup first. And add this code on first block
# replace Caps with AltGr
key <CAPS> { [ISO_Level3_Shift] };
# Add vim cursor keys to be accessed with AltGr
key <AB02> { [x, X, Delete, Delete] };
key <AC02> { [s, S, KP_Enter, KP_Enter] };
key <AC03> { [d, D, Next, Next] };
key <AC04> { [f, F, BackSpace, BackSpace] };
key <AC06> { [h, H , Left, Left] };
key <AC07> { [j, J, Down, Down] };
key <AC08> { [k, K, Up, Up] };
key <AC09> { [l, L, Right, Right] };
key <AD07> { [u, U, Prior, Prior] };
key <AE03> { [3, numbersign, Home, Home] };
key <AE04> { [4, dollar, End, End] };
Re-Login to take effect.
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