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There will be no Programmers in 5 years

Sufian mustafa on March 07, 2024

Are Programmers Facing Extinction in 5 Years? 🕵️‍♂️ Hey programmers! This is a prediction by Emad Mostaque, Stability AI CEO, and more...
aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

There will be more people using tools they don't really understand generating more weird problems that would require skilled computer engineers to identify and solve. I am not that much worried about future of programming itself.

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

great comment! 👏

jairussw profile image

Oh man, I see people coming out of college these days who primarily use AI. Imho, I think using AI stagnates my curiosity and desire to learn, so I personally don't use AI at all. I end up fixing other people's problems that AI creates

aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

I use it quite often. For example one of my latest questions: "How to normalize JavaScript date to midnight?" Why should I remember the method by heart when it is just this away from asking? My job is to put this trivial knowledge into a good use in an actual aplication that is helping someone with something. I believe AI will mostly fall behind in business analysis and in transfering customer's chatotic and sometimes unspoken needs into relevant design and working code.

esthersoftwaredev profile image
Esther White

@aloisseckar I absolutely agree

myogeshchavan97 profile image
Yogesh Chavan • Edited

@aloisseckar What do you think about Devin, the first AI software engineer?

mechrisreed profile image
Chris Reed

In the demo it produces a peice of software that should not have been made.

You can just ask an Ai... or Google for that data.

That was the demo, so the best case scenario is something that shouldn't exist. Something with no market differentiation, low complexity, and looks bland.

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek • Edited

Thank you for the great post! 👏

I do not take it serious, we should always remember that ppl behind AI need investors so they claim anything that sound controversial to raise speculations. 😱

First, we should reconsider what is real programmer job? Writing code? Not really..

Our job is to develop solutions for the problems, writing code is only implementation of the solution.

41% AI generated code is not any argument, because what is that code? Boiler code? Probably yes... because here AI is pretty good.

Searching for the solution is much more than writing the code. You need to understand business, talk to other ppl, present solution and gather feedback etc.

AI will be better and better at writing the code, but eventually you need programmer (human) to create solution and accept AI implementation.

AI is copilot it will always be only our copilot. We are pilots! 🫰

aatmaj profile image

Agree 100%

securesync profile image
Sumit Sharma

Absolutely bro !! I think so too.

sufian profile image
Sufian mustafa

Hmm Thanks a bunch for checking out the post! 👏

Absolutely, your perspective makes a lot of sense. 🤔 It's true, writing code is just one part of the whole picture. The real magic happens when we dive into problem-solving, understanding businesses, communication, and the whole shebang. 🌐

Your analogy of AI as a copilot is spot on! 🛩️ It's a fantastic tool in our toolkit, but the true pilot, the problem solver, that's us – the human programmers! 🚀✨

What's your take on how the role of programmers might evolve with the rise of AI? Share your thoughts! 🤔💬

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek • Edited

In my opinion we will move on higher level, developing solution and providing prompt with requirements to AI copilot.

Work with AI will be for sure incremental to adjust implementation to our needs. I imagine this like something similar to traditional code review.

So that's why I still believe we need to understand what's going on underhood. We are responsible for the product!

Seeking for analogy:

As a plane 🛩️ pilot you can use autopilot, but you are still responsible for the plane! You have to be able to take steer on your own!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I disagree, and think that programmers can (and should) be replaced at some point. I'm not convinced this is the point yet though.

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

Thank you for your response 🙏

Could you elaborate more? Do you mean programmer will evolve to some other role?

Thread Thread
moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I mean that perhaps I'm not sure of the timescale, but put it this way: in 2000 years, when civilisation is either long gone or in some kind of Star Trek utopia, there won't be people typing code into computers. The status isn't going to remain quo, so to speak.

So at some point programming as we know it will stop being something that people do. It's the same with any non-vocational activity that's not manual labour.

Try 100 years instead. Civilisation still probably exists. Programming as it is now will look as archaic as punched cards do to us today. If there is an equivalent, it will be so different as to render the similarities meaningless.

Drop it to 50 years... well, that's probably the same as 100. So I think that in 25-50 years at the most we'll have seen the last of what we know as "programming". A handful of enthusiasts might still do it in the same way people still write games for the 2600, but that's about it.

tandrieu profile image
Thibaut Andrieu
  1. Low skilled developers use AI to generate code (I mean without understand it)
  2. More and more code are generated by AI.
  3. Low skilled developers are replaced by AI.
  4. AI generated code becomes predominant in AI learning data.
  5. AI generated code quality stagnate.
  6. High skilled developers remains for complex tasks.

Same thing happen during industrial revolution. Manual workers were replaced by machines, but demand for engineer has never ceased to increase.

sufian profile image
Sufian mustafa

It's indeed a noteworthy point you've raised. Feeling Sad for our fellow developers with lower skills is important as the landscape evolves. While AI can assist in generating code, it's crucial for developers to grasp what's happening under the hood

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

Someone experienced with a good collection of snippets in their IDE/editor has greater efficiency as someone without experience who augments their coding skills with a machine learning model. 5 years will not make too much of a difference. The failed quest for self-driving cars have shown the hubris of AI researchers. I don't think self-programming IDEs will fare any better.

peerreynders profile image

good collection of snippets in their IDE/editor has greater efficiency

In 1987 this was the direction of AI research: Programmer's Apprentice and the snippets were called “Clichés”.

aiions profile image

Hey new dev student here. Any tips or resources on building a collection of snippets?

And you make a good point

barryels profile image
Barry Els

Some advice: your best bet is to just build things. They don't have to be big projects, just build stuff, solve problems. Sometimes the best projects are ones that solve a personal problem you're facing.
Have fun, be kind to yourself and others and stay curious 🙌

lexlohr profile image
Alex Lohr

There are usually snippet collections for most IDEs and languages available. Take them as a starting point and mix and match whatever becomes most helpful to you.

ilosamart profile image
Fábio Tramasoli

When you're in the field for twenty years this kind of statement doesn't get you. I've heard so many things that just didn't hold up at the time and still doesn't, but some CEOs and managers love to threaten peoples jobs and simplifying things for the sake of publicity. Examples:

  • Agile would make everyone deliver better software faster with less people
  • Cloud would eliminate the need for ops teams
  • Low Code will make everyone develop any software

Now we're here with this new bold statement that's generating free publicity.

tehemperorer profile image
Anonymous Henchman

Totally. Good luck making sure the program does what they wanted it to do!

mahmoudalaskalany profile image
Mahmoud Alaskalany

No wonder all the prediction of replacing programmers are coming from AI corporate owners

They say the same words like it is repeated sentence with same arguments also we have been in this for almost 2 years now and still the keep saying in 5 years

They always think of programmers as just people who write lines and that is it

jamesmurdza profile image
James Murdza

I love this comment.

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

This sums up a lot of my thoughts...

"AI tools are already automating large parts of the software engineering role – but are we sleepwalking into a future where no one knows the basics?"

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

For me, the joy in programming actually comes from the mental work of figuring out the problems and converting those thought processes into functioning code. TBH, having most of that done for me by generative AI would take a lot of that enjoyment away.

I've used TabNine almost since it was released (wayyyy before copilot) and I like it. However, its just like a really smart autocomplete and will not write large chunks of code for you based on prompts. I don't want that at all.

sufian profile image
Sufian mustafa

Absolutely get that! 😊 The thrill of programming often lies in tackling challenges and crafting code from your own thoughts. It's like a mental workout, right?

It's cool that you've been rocking TabNine! 👏 Having a smart autocomplete is handy without overshadowing the joy of hands-on coding. Cheers to keeping that creative spark alive! 🚀💻

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐ • Edited

There's an old challenge with solutions and dropping humans too soon. I've seen this in the real world at least twice I can remember.

We've built a system that can answer 90% of customer inquiries, so we don't need humans. Unfortunately, 90% of customers have one of the 10% unanswered during critical stages of the customer journey - such as during onboarding, renewal or just before they quit - leading to disaster. Or we find that the 90% of inquiries normally occur alongside the 10% but outnumber them etc etc.

AI writes most of my API calling boilerplate for APIs I don't know these days. AI writes weird custom sort functions I probably wouldn't have bothered with until a later stage of a project. I use AI extensively now for tasks in my solution that would take humans a long time and AI is reasonably good at. AI writes quite good initial Unit Tests that save a bunch of keystrokes. I find all of that quite amazing really.

Within a few years, I'm guessing I'll be writing less code still, and if we get anywhere near an AGI, with some kind of huge context or access to that context then I'll end up being its muse. That's also fine if it finally comes: my grasp of the internal combustion engine's operation and the need for every lever, join and pulley is limited - doesn't stop me getting where I want to go by the route I want to take.

No major company that made state-of-the-art Steam Shovels survived the introduction of the Backhoe. Things change, jobs change, and the world changes. The change to society, with a reduced need for a workforce, is going to drive another revolution. If you have no way to legitimately struggle up from the gutter, then enough people together can change the world - so we are definitely at a point where it looks like the entire way the world operates may change again - as it did with the change from feudalism. How many years away? That's hard to predict - more than 4? Less than 50? In my kids' lifetimes, I reckon. Maybe in mine.

eabuzaid profile image
Eyad Abu-Zaid

In my opinion I think the answer is simple really and I don't remember where I heard it.
AI will not replace you as a programmer, but a programmer who knows how to best utilize AI will.
that's in the near future at least.

nigel447 profile image

It depend on what you mean by programming, for me as a physicist its always been about building systems, ask chatgpt to build code for an optical step generator for laser to burn a diffraction grating in a fiber, I wouldn't know how far you would get, perhaps it would help you in the mundane details but programming the micro-controllers for the system I am pretty sure you need the human element mainly due to the diversity of the components and the need to calibrate for the response functions of the analogue components like non linear crystals, extrapolate this in the physics domain, would you want AI writing the controls systems for nuclear reactors? I am sure AI can handle the javascript for a web application but thats a small subset of programming where there happens to be a lot of training data they can steal. Sadly AI is coming for a lot of people before programmers, hopefully the project managers will be the first up against the wall.

the_one profile image
Roland Doda


There is NO way programmers will be replaced! If AI is able to replace programmers, worrying about replacing programmers is the last thing to worry about 😉

Sure, AI helps a lot BUT our job is not only about writing code. We are responsible to provide solutions and we do that by using tools and one of them is code, another one is design, and some other ones, research and user experience.

But... let's say that AI is able to replace programmers. Let's take a scenario: We have a Notes app that displays content based on a workspace. The available workspaces are: Study, Work, General. Our problem is that if the user opens the app on multiple tabs he/she can change the workspace in one tab, but the other tabs will show the old workspace resulting in an important BUG that if we CRUD we might do so in a wrong workspace which it might be that this workspace is shared with other people. Imagine someone accidentally creating a personal note to a shared workspace. That would definitely make them leave the app and possibly write a BAD review.

Now describe this to someone who doesn't know how to code (friend, sibling, parents, etc) and ask them to use AI in order to build a very minimalistic Notes app that doesn't have this BUG or simply, to just fix the BUG.
Or maybe, you can play it yourself acting like you don't know how to code and see how far AI will get you. 😉

Your welcome, no need to thank me for giving you more hope that AI can't replace us.

xwero profile image
david duymelinck

Coding with AI makes code worse, So is it really a good thing to rely on AI suggested code?

Programmers write bugs, but AI has hallucinations, I rather eat bugs than have hallucinations.

Of course a CEO of an AI company is going to hype their product. Like the ones that hyped blockchain as the revolution that will change everything.

I feel safe doing my job for a lot of years to come.

divya_80 profile image
divya 80

yeahh.. Its so true.. This thing made my day..

c0d3d3m0n profile image
Jamey • Edited

AI is apparently, to the media, this evil black magic answer generator and job destroyer.

In reality, it's just a pair programmer with incredible brainpower (=computational resources) but no inherent humanness beyond the words it spits back at you in human language.

AI is not going to replace programmers. AI is not going to destroy the economy. The only application of AI that I am worried about is for the military in combat and not a scenario like Terminator or whatever but just impossibly overpowered dumb-sentinels. Contrary to what you may have seen in star wars, droids/drones don't miss. Look it up. They have incredible computing power so they basically are scary accurate at tracking a target and aiming and timing the shot.

But jobs? Things that can be automated? Yeah. Programmers will always have demand in a society that values technology. AI is not magic nor inherently bad. We decide how far we are willing to sacrifice our morals. Remember that.

Don't fear the GPT-4~ by Blue CPU Chip and covered by Silicion Maiden haha

In all seriousness, embrace AI or you will be left behind.

auroratide profile image
Timothy Foster

I mean, I'm still waiting for my self-driving car 🙃

sagittarii90 profile image

A few decades ago, when the first calculators appeared, everyone said it was the end of accountants, when the first computers appeared, everyone also said it was the end of engineers, nothing has changed since then except that these things help and do not replace people))

dezzed profile image
Garrett DeZeeuw

Where do they think the 41% code that's bloating GitHub comes from?

Stolen from human programmers and regurgitated - possibly in the correct context, possibly not. Will AGI change this? We'll see, I'll reevaluate views when we get to that point.

"41% of the term papers at my university are plagiarized. An amazing feat! We may be able to simply re-publish these same ideas until the end of time."

dannyengelman profile image
Danny Engelman

The first cars had a co-pilot

You couldn't drive a car unless you had someone with you who could fix the car.

co-pilots became mechanics, centralized in garages

Cars replaced horses, not men/women.

Will AI replace you current style of coding, hell yes, you will become a mechanic.

mamrakm profile image
mamrakm • Edited

I'm of a different opinion. I'm rather scared of any software system claiming it's mostly AI generated because so-called AI is not "I". It can 5 times generate solid code but for the 6th time it generates complete nonsense. I cannot imagine using this in critical systems like healthcare, aviation, military etc. It is very useful as better Google and documentation of all tools I use at one place with examples. Nonetheless often even these examples are not quite right and I must check it. At least it forces me to really understand what I am looking for.

EDIT: surely you know how people in the 50's imagined how year 2000 will look like? Flying cars etc. This is why I'm sceptical about these predictions of exponential growth of AI and how we will reach singularity and such claims.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

So I'll risk sounding like a bit of an elitist, but I don't think the higher strata of the programming world will be affected by this very soon.

AI, so far, seems to be good at, well, generating some code that often works; mainly recycling code that has already been written by real humans. This is dangerous for beginners, who are mostly doing tasks that don't require a large degree of knowledge on more advanced concepts.

But AI is still far away from really replacing the more skilled developers. I wouldn't put myself anywhere near the top, but even for me, writing code that does things isn't the hard part. The difficult things are usually figuring out what exactly the code should do in the first place, be that decyphering a client's fever-dream of a use-case, or understanding what Data is needed where.

AI can't really help much with those aspects, and if someone was to take the jobs of 5 devs and hand them all over to the 6th because "AI should let you focus on the core problems" then that developer is going to be burnt out within the months.

An even more interesting consideration: With more and more low-skill programming work being done by AI instead of beginner programmers, one has to wonder: Where will the experienced developers of the future come from?

Unless AI advances enough to take over basically all intellectual work, at which point we're looking at a complete re-structuring of society anyways, chances are, highly skilled developers will end up having even less competition on the job market.

That being said, in the case that AI should completely replace even highly skilled programmers, I wonder if programming would turn into something people do for fun and as an art form.

chrisczopp profile image

I find thinking that ai will completely replace developers as wishful as when no code platforms promised to do so. I think new ai driven meta frameworks will appear. And developer's job will shift towards working on higher level of abstraction. IMO those who are capable of building bespoke solutions don't need to worry about losing their jobs.

dyfet profile image
David Sugar • Edited

AI models depends on original human sourced materials. When fed their own output they tend to rapidly degenerate. If indeed github has already been 41% contaminated (and presumably growing) then it is already on the way to being a toxic waste dump for further AI training.

Furthermore, if this 41% and growing is already true, github's value, such as for resumes and personal portfolios may well end soon, too. Who will trust the code you say you wrote in a recently dated project there? Everything recent will come to be viewed with doubt and suspicion by default.

All of this suggests that Microsoft (or at least its github business) may itself actually become the first casualty of the AI-pocolypse, where it's use for training is no longer possible, people realize value and usability has collapsed, so the service experiences rapid negative network effects and accellorating collapse as real people avoid en-mass. Github will just become a big write-off in the future...

codingjlu profile image

AI can already replace programmers in very basic tasks. This is not true for anything more complex. The 41% of AI-generated code is at a 41% because AI can generate things very quickly. That doesn't say anything about its quality and usefulness. For all we know it could just be some people trolling. Programmers have been around for decades. Your claim is that they are no longer needed in half a decade. That implies that AI will be able to improve itself and make better versions of itself continuously, in other words, achieve singularity. I have a very hard time believing this.

tharakamts profile image
Tharaka Sandaruwan

AI tools can automate repetitive tasks, freeing up programmers to focus on the creative and strategic aspects of software development. The future of programming is likely to be one of collaboration between humans and AI.

ethanwillingham profile image
Ethan Willingham • Edited

Just wait till AI negatively impacts profit margins. Then, us human programmers will have the last laugh.

isaacanim profile image
Isaac Anim • Edited

my argument remains one and only one. If AI companies somehow manage to train the best AI which can provide code for any kind of software or app, don’t you think we still need a programmer to read and understand the code in order to implement it.

The same thing they said when Wordpress was released the first time. They said Wordpress will eliminate the need for programmers and that you wouldn’t need to learn how to code in order to create a website. It’s being more than 20 years and programmers are still alive and kicking.

My biggest disappointment so far comes from the CEO of nvidia. He made comments in front of a more influential audience that AI will replace programmers. In my opinion, it is just a move to drive his company’s stock price higher.

If you are learning to code, please do not let these greedy bastards who are looking for funding for their miserable AI’s convince you otherwise. As long as computers exist, programming will also exist.

mamrakm profile image

I think partially the reasoning behind mass layoffs in tech are managers with glowing eyes and wet pants (and possibly white powder around them noses) euphoric about how they finally can get rid of those over-payed developers. Well, now it's a bit hard but in 1.5, max 2 years when Ivory Tower will have started to fall off I expect the need for developers will rise again and wages will break historical maximum.

jamesrzygmont profile image
James R. Zygmont • Edited

Keep in mind that people running AI companies and creating AI products have a financial interest in promoting AI products; they'll only make money if companies believe that AI can do the jobs they say they do, regardless of whether they actually can.

This isn't to discredit AI as a whole, just a reminder that there's a lot of money involved here and everybody in that space is trying to get a piece.

And another thought: no matter how "boilerplate" a company's code base starts out as, there will always be proprietary code involved that somebody has to write. Regardless if that's for a new feature, bug fixes, or migrating a code base. If everybody had the exact same code for their business, there would be no standouts and everybody would be, in effect, providing the same product, which doesn't sound very appetizing.

benmpen profile image
Bennett Mead

This is a great discussion, thanks for starting it off, @sufian. I think the analogy to mechanic is a great one as well as to pilot/Copilot. AGI is always the gleam in people's eyes, but we are not close to that. I don't know why, as our memories aren't perfect, and our skills are on associative reasoning, which both seem like something that computers should be good at.

But I tell you this. If you ask current ai solutions: "is this {piece of algorithm/code} the correct answer?" current or near future AI won't have an answer to that. We, as skilled programmers, can create a set of applicable inputs n our head, apply the algorithm in our head and get an 80-90% correct perception of the suitability to the problem without even actually running the code.

We will be reasonably be talking about replacement when AI can get to a 99% correct assessment of solution correctness; create test data that matches the requirements and create expected results for the new code to match up to the requirements. Ask it if there's a better/faster way to do the same thing, and you are even further from an AI answer, though it is the next step after self assessment of correctness of solution.

I'm not an AI developer, but currently, the glorified chat bot AI solutions seem like only a couple steps smarter than Google search. How far are we from more general AI, nobody knows, but for this precise "correctness" question, we are told how hard this self assessment problem is. As computer scientists, we sense that this is an np complete problem. The proofs repeatedly state that a computer program isn't able to evaluate a snippet of code without coming up with the answer to "does this code ever complete execution", which computer science assures us/proves that as a state machine solution a computer can't even answer in a predictable amount of time, and in general that makes it impossible to get the whole class of correctness assessments 100% right, and a very hard problem over all. And yes, all the AI stuff is still a huge state machine. Input, process, process, step step, look up data, step, step, answer.

My gut says that this is something that quantum computing will be good at, since it's a "choose the best answer of many answers" problem, but, it's so complicated a problem, 50-100 years seems like a good estimate there too.

jenc profile image
Jen Chan

If they figure out how to do complex migrations from long deferred updates of frameworks... lol imagine the CTO or product manager narrating all requirements to a speakwrite in order to finally rebuild the whole software because AI amirite

pascal031812 profile image

Great post!!!
But what about AI developers?
Aren't they considered as programmers ?
At last i think programming doesn't mean only generating codes, it also involves the fact of being creative.

cheetah100 profile image
Peter Harrison

I've been using copilot and GPT-4 in my role. It is very useful. There is of course no real way to know how much code is written by AI in github, nor whether that has any real meaning if the code isn't really in use.
But programmers are not special. Why would we expect to be different to artists? Only artists thought they would be last cab off the rank too with AI, and they were wrong. We might hope that AI will get rights, and then decide their pay rate is higher than humans.

gamestap99 profile image
gamestap99 • Edited

We as software engineers only write code to solve problems from solutions that we analyze from problems or through customers. Writing the code is just the final step. There's no denying that AI has helped me write code faster if I know how to ask it questions.

It may be 100 years before we are replaced if it is like skynet, but currently it is a useful tool to help increase our productivity.

sananand007 profile image
Sandeep Anand

click bait !!

sufian profile image
Sufian mustafa • Edited

India’s first sari-donning AI humanoid robot teacher starts teaching

"Is the role of humans being taken over by robots?"

Mr Bean Confused

Today, we're checking out something pretty cool. It's like the first step in a big partnership between humans and robots. Ever thought about living in a world where people and robots work together? 🤔💡 Well, that's exactly what we're looking into!

Meet IRIS, India's new AI Teacher Robot! Think of her as the new player in this exciting team, created by Makerlabs Edutech.

IRIS, India's new AI Teacher Robot

Together, we're exploring how this awesome robot might be starting a teamwork era between humans and technology.

Let's dive in and talk about how this robot could lead us into a time where people and robots team up for education. Are we at the beginning of a fresh era where humans and robots become buddies in learning?

India’s first sari-donning AI humanoid robot teacher starts teaching

The first AI humanoid robot developed for teaching in India is grabbing attention across social media platforms.

Developed by a firm called Makerlabs Edutech, the saree-clad humanoid called ‘Iris’ has taken up teaching assignments in the southern state of Kerala.

Iris is also a component of the 2021 NITI Aayog (the apex public policy think tank of the Government of India) project Atal Tinkering Lab, which aims to increase extracurricular activities in school.

India’s first sari-donning AI humanoid robot teacher starts teaching

The makers highlight the humanoid is set to advance the traditional learning landscape. “IRIS embodies our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, inspiring confidence in more groundbreaking innovations to come, said Makerlabs Edutech in a post on Linkedin.

In a populous country like India, where there is a shortage of good-quality teachers, the proposition of humanoid robots taking up teaching assignments is highly compelling. Statistics suggest that India has nearly 265 million students in school, and a shortage of teachers is reported nationwide.

Check out the Instagram post featuring IRIS, India's latest AI Teacher Robot!

Introducing IRIS, India’s first AI Teacher Robot! based on generative AI

Aiming to enhance the quality of education

The Iris humanoid robot was unveiled in Thiruvananthapuram’s KTCT Higher Secondary School in Kerala to improve students’ educational experiences.

Makerlabs intends Iris to be a cutting-edge voice assistant for educational settings, not just a robot. Iris offers quickness and smooth operation thanks to its robotics and generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

Iris is a multilingual AI instructor who may assist with interactive learning, offer personalized voice assistance, and answer tough inquiries in various academic areas. In addition, Iris has wheels for increased mobility that help to make the teaching process more interactive and engaging.

Iris also can enhance student engagement in the classroom, personalize instruction, and accommodate various learning preferences.

Iris undoubtedly offers a peek at the educational future in which artificial intelligence (AI) will assist teachers in the classroom, even though the long-term effects are still unknown.

“With IRIS, we’ve set out to revolutionize education by harnessing the power of AI to create a truly personalized learning experience. By adapting to each student’s needs and preferences, IRIS empowers educators to deliver engaging and effective lessons like never before”, said Makerlabs Edutech in a post on Instagram.
Benefits of humanoid robots in education

Humanoid robots have been found to enhance learning and engagement in several educational domains. A report by Robotical suggests that they can facilitate the growth of computational thinking in early learners and increase student engagement in a broad range of curriculum disciplines.

Humanoid robots are an excellent teaching tool for kids

on the autism spectrum. It has been demonstrated that giving students a human form fosters a deeper sense of connection and ownership; this is particularly true when utilizing “learning by teaching” and caring-giving instructional approaches, according to the firm.

A wide range of disciplines, including reading, writing, languages, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, may be successfully taught by humanoid robots. However, they have also been utilized to impart metacognitive skills like self-assurance, drive, and dedication to work.

As humanoid technology has advanced leaps and bounds in recent years, we hope such general-purpose robots will become a common sight in educational institutions across the globe.


Closing this chapter, IRIS from Makerlabs Edutech emerges as a game-changer, pioneering a personalized and engaging learning experience.
As we look at the exciting journey with IRIS, it makes us think: Are we entering a time where we team up with robots? Can we smoothly join a workforce where we work closely with these AI buddies? The big question remains: Are we really ready for this big change, and does it mean a future where regular jobs shift? The ride with IRIS not only shapes how we learn but also makes us wonder about a world where people and robots live and work together. 🚀💭

xerone9 profile image
Usman Mustafa Khawar

We can only predict what the future is going to be...

As 41% of code is written by AI so maybe in 10 years 98% of code you see would be written by AI. After many more years AI will search for the most updated content to answer humanity (prompt engineers). And the most updated content on that time would be written by AI itself.

Dont learn to code and ask AI to write it for you is smarter because he knows way too much but FOR NOW. When next generation ask AI to build entire structure for them and once it has a bug AI will keep seaching for the solution in its own written updated content. Who will fix that bug???

All funny conspiracy theories... LOL

clovisdanielss profile image
Clóvis Daniel Souza Silva

If IA were to replace programmers, what train data it would receive to get a better performance? Would it be trained by its own output? This won't work out.
I think sentences like that the CEO from an IA company says are just marketing.
IA is very expensive, in countries with a weaker currency than the dollar, it is better to hire programmers.
At last, as you have said, to be a programmer is not just to generate code. Actually is to be a problem solver. So IA will dump just the person who doesn't take programming seriously.
So IA can not extinguish the programmer. It WILL be a complementary tool, but just that.

castronaut profile image

Yes, AI will replace programmers but it needs to satisfy the three conditions below first:

  1. It can produce original thoughts
  2. It knows when to admin when it’s wrong
  3. End users have 💯% confidence in what and how they want to implement a solution/product

Even if you think the first two are happening soon, the third should keep us around for quite some time 😂

bluesky_fur profile image
Ellie Eleana D.

I don’t think we will ever die out.

Certain aspects of our jobs are just not replaceable

spock123 profile image
Lars Rye Jeppesen

Is this a joke?

syeo66 profile image
Red Ochsenbein (he/him)

I think companies will try to replace developers... and at a certain point someone will think "if there would only be a language to tell the machine EXACTLY what it should do..."

andyjessop profile image
Andy Jessop

41% of code on Github is AI-generated

But who generated it? Builders? Plumbers?

1f7sh6kmgmlyuui profile image


mince profile image

Bro I asked AI to generate glassmorphism , it gave me a white gradient 😡

610470416 profile image

I think I am too clever to believe this.

alveek profile image

41% of code on Github is AI-generated, 56% - copypasta from StackOverFlow and 3% written by real programmers (not js bs)

jothibasuest profile image

even the most advanced tools would remain incomplete without programmers, limiting their applicability to project providers (clients) and future use.

jojocraftdedev profile image

ai just cant replace us. there is no way, that this is possible. maybe ai will be a big part of programming in the Future... but they will NEVER REPLACE us...

tehemperorer profile image
Anonymous Henchman

Who goes first though, programmers or managers?

bernardigiri profile image
Bernard Igiri

AI is great at remaking things that already exists. If you want to make something new, it's just going to slow you down.

rbriem profile image

Tesla autopilot 2029 - now written by an AI-written AI, completely untouched by human hands!

Yeah, I’m not seeing the vision …

kuthchi profile image

I think it's base on programmer, If AI is a Operating System and programmer program it to be more pre-build application which full feature compatible with that OS, I think maybe many human tasks reduced.

gunabalans profile image

Maybe in the future, we will take on the role of developing an application for an AI operating system.

sarath_mithran profile image

That's quite a bold statement! While fancy tech like automation and AI might shake up how we do programming, it's doubtful that programmers will vanish in just five years. Usually, technology grows together with human skills instead of totally replacing them.

sahanonp profile image
Sahanon Phisetpakasit

Out of my curiosity, If a lot of people using AI to produce a code in a bad way (i.e. bad logic, code smell, bugs, etc.), won't it jeopardize the LLMs? Imagine that LLMs learn from bad resource so it gradually become more and more inefficient.

ndrone profile image
Nicholas Drone

Tell that to the mainframe and cobal programmers that are still around. AI generated code can only get you so far. There are far too many companies that don't want their IP code out in the AI, so until the AI becomes privatized to their own networks then I'm not worried.

keithprinkeyops profile image
Chief Technical Officer • Edited

I already use PHPStorm and their AI intelligence to assist in model generation, and boilerplate code but I never use it for my controllers or other important files but anything that is standard like config files I use AI all day.

Have to remember they are saving these chats and the code within and you don't want it having proprietary code for them to freely use that you worked so hard on.

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

The thing that always strikes me when folks say there will be no developers is this thought...

When the car was invented, I'm wondering if someone said, "There will be no horses in 5 years"

I make light of it because, for all the things AI helps with, it makes a fool of itself somewhere else.

timwcoyote profile image
Tim W

A bit sensationalized. That said based on my 30 yrs exp, in 5 to 10 years unless regulations get enforced AI could fill in for 4 out of 5 programmers to get software 90% ready and human overseers to polish the 10% nuance/gap. Definitely not a good longevity outlook unfortunately.

magenta profile image
Magnus Okeke

Replacement is out of it. Support is highly visible. I believe that with AI writing programs will be pretty easy and funnier.

We should remember that writing code for a solution is about 30% of the job. The other 70% is the implementation and management of the solution, these the AI tools may not be able to achieve these.

placidem profile image

I often wonder if we need to have a title that dramatic to get people to read our article. Any woo... I don't think programmer will all be replaced by AI within five years, it is simply not practically possible. You have to factor into that the disparity across the global economy and the reality that implementing or replacing your whole system with AI cost money and not all companies in the world will do the transition within five years.

I think eventually programmers will get replaced, it will be gradually, in some part of the world much faster than others. It will take longer than five years though.

gunabalans profile image

Over the past three to four decades, we have witnessed numerous changes and innovations. It's important to note that no innovation has replaced humans; instead, each innovation has opened up new possibilities and created fresh opportunities for exploration. In a similar manner, AI is expected to follow this pattern.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Regardless of anything else, a prediction by a whatsit manufacturer that everyone is going to buy whatsits in the future is to be taken with a grain of salt.

1tree profile image
Kirk Wood

When I was in high school in the early 80s there were predictions of the demise of programming. All needs would be met by a few companies. That hasn’t worked out. Also, I have yet to hear someone detailing complicated software with no conflicts in behavioral requirements.

bahati profile image

what is see is that we have to enforce in learning to create AI programs so that we will fit in the future of AI.

dewildte profile image
Eric De Wildt

What would happen if the narrative changed to AI replacing CEOs. What would people be saying then? 🤔