To have multiple versions of node
and npm
on our machine, we can use nvm
The official docs of nvm
is on:
If we only need one version of node
and npm
, then we may not need nvm
, but to solve the problem of the write permission, we can use:
Here is a quick start guide:
To install nvm
curl -o
Or because Ubuntu doesn't have curl
by default, we can also use wget
wget -O
and we can look at
-- I usually don't like to curl
and directly pipe it to bash
, because it is like we don't even know what was running. So then we download it, and can run it:
source ~/.profile # no need to do it after reboot
Useful commands
nvm ls-remote # to see all available versions
nvm install --lts # install the latest LTS (long term support) version
nvm install node # install the latest
nvm which current # tells the path of current node
nvm ls # tells what are all the node versions we have
nvm ls current # tells the version we are using
nvm use # use the .nvmrc specified version if any
nvm use 14 # use the version 14.x.x
nvm use 15 # use 15.x.x
nvm use --lts # use the latest LTS
nvm use node # use the latest
nvm use system # use the system's version of node
nvm alias default 14.16.0 # set the default version to use
As of 2021 March, all we need to do is:
nvm install --lts # install the latest LTS (long term support) version
nvm install node # install the latest
and then depending on which one we want to use (version 14.16.0
which is LTS, or version 15.13.0
, which is the latest), we can just use
nvm use 14 # or
nvm use 15
to switch between them.
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