DEV Community

Suraj Kamdi
Suraj Kamdi

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Adding Documentation for AEM Components

Documentation is one of the important key processes when it comes to delivering any kind of software functionality. Meanwhile, It is a technical write-up that is helpful from a developer's perspective. It contains technical details like how to configure the module to show certain functionality otherwise it is difficult for the new developers to understand the whole process. Explaining the whole functionality is a time-consuming procedure instead one can share a technical document that covers actual functionality.
Most of the time, We provide technical documentation to AEM Content Authors when it comes to authoring the component. It is helpful for AEM authors to understand & authoring the functionality of components. Ordinarily, we see the help (?) icon on the component dialog which contains the help path of respective component documentation. On click, it redirects to Adobe's AEM Documentation URL. But, what if we want to provide the documentation for our custom component? Most of us are not aware of how to achieve this functionality in AEM. But yes, We do have such AEM OOTB functionality for providing component documentation.

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