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Cover image for Leetcode #2623. Memoize
Susan Githaiga
Susan Githaiga

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Leetcode #2623. Memoize

Given a function fn, return a memoized version of that function.

A memoized function is a function that will never be called twice with the same inputs. Instead it will return a cached value.

You can assume there are 3 possible input functions: sum, fib, and factorial.

sum accepts two integers a and b and returns a + b. Assume that if a value has already been cached for the arguments (b, a) where a != b, it cannot be used for the arguments (a, b). For example, if the arguments are (3, 2) and (2, 3), two separate calls should be made.
fib accepts a single integer n and returns 1 if n <= 1 or fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) otherwise.
factorial accepts a single integer n and returns 1 if n <= 1 or factorial(n - 1) * n otherwise.

Example 1:


fnName = "sum"
actions = ["call","call","getCallCount","call","getCallCount"]
values = [[2,2],[2,2],[],[1,2],[]]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Output: [4,4,1,3,2]

const sum = (a, b) => a + b;
const memoizedSum = memoize(sum);
memoizedSum(2, 2); // "call" - returns 4. sum() was called as (2, 2) was not seen before.
memoizedSum(2, 2); // "call" - returns 4. However sum() was not called because the same inputs were seen before.
// "getCallCount" - total call count: 1
memoizedSum(1, 2); // "call" - returns 3. sum() was called as (1, 2) was not seen before.
// "getCallCount" - total call count: 2
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Example 2:


fnName = "factorial"
actions = ["call","call","call","getCallCount","call","getCallCount"]
values = [[2],[3],[2],[],[3],[]]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Output: [2,6,2,2,6,2]

const factorial = (n) => (n <= 1) ? 1 : (n * factorial(n - 1));
const memoFactorial = memoize(factorial);
memoFactorial(2); // "call" - returns 2.
memoFactorial(3); // "call" - returns 6.
memoFactorial(2); // "call" - returns 2. However factorial was not called because 2 was seen before.
// "getCallCount" - total call count: 2
memoFactorial(3); // "call" - returns 6. However factorial was not called because 3 was seen before.
// "getCallCount" - total call count: 2
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Example 3:


fnName = "fib"
actions = ["call","getCallCount"]
values = [[5],[]]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Output: [8,1]

fib(5) = 8 // "call"
// "getCallCount" - total call count: 1
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


> 0 <= a, b <= 105
> 1 <= n <= 10
> 0 <= actions.length <= 105
> actions.length === values.length
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

actions[i] is one of "call" and "getCallCount"
fnName is one of "sum", "factorial" and "fib"


Image description

As you continue to develop and optimize your JavaScript applications, remember the power of memoization. By identifying the right functions to memoize and implementing the appropriate caching strategies, you can unlock significant performance gains and create a more seamless and responsive user experience for your customers.

I hope this article helps. If you like the article, please leave a like and feel free to leave any concerns on the comment section. That is all for today.

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