DEV Community

Susheel kumar
Susheel kumar

Posted on

A "not to do" list

Personal Growth & Well-being:

  1. Procrastination
  2. Negative self-talk
  3. Comparing yourself to others
  4. Ignoring mental health
  5. Poor sleep habits
  6. Unhealthy eating
  7. Lack of exercise
  8. Multitasking excessively
  9. Overcommitting
  10. Surrounding yourself with toxic people

Productivity & Work:

  1. Checking work emails during non-work hours
  2. Social media distractions
  3. Meetings without agendas
  4. Micromanaging
  5. Not prioritizing tasks
  6. Overpromising and underdelivering
  7. Skipping breaks
  8. Ignoring work-life balance
  9. Not learning from failures
  10. Avoiding constructive feedback


  1. Lying or dishonesty
  2. Disrespecting boundaries
  3. Not listening actively
  4. Taking others for granted
  5. Comparing relationships
  6. Ignoring conflicts
  7. Not showing gratitude
  8. Being consistently late
  9. Gossiping or spreading rumors
  10. Disregarding others' feelings


  1. Not budgeting
  2. Accumulating high-interest debt
  3. Investing without research
  4. Not saving for emergencies
  5. Ignoring credit reports
  6. Buying on impulse
  7. Not diversifying investments
  8. Avoiding financial planning
  9. Over-spending
  10. Not monitoring expenses

Online & Digital:

  1. Using weak passwords
  2. Ignoring software updates
  3. Clicking suspicious links
  4. Sharing sensitive info online
  5. Over-sharing personal life
  6. Engaging with trolls
  7. Ignoring online security
  8. Downloading unauthorized software
  9. Using public Wi-Fi for sensitive activities
  10. Not backing up data

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