Heard a lot about React!! Looking to give it a try on your computer but unsure as to how you can set up your development environment. No worries we got you covered.
Firstly let's ensure you have NodeJS installed on your machine.
We will install nvm (node version manager) which will in turn let us install multiple versions of NodeJS, so we can choose whichever one we need to run.
Type the below command to get the latest
nvm install node
If you don't have nvm than you can first try installing nvm.
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash
We will install a React Application and have it configured with Visual Studio Code (VS Code) which will allow you to edit, and create new react apps.
- Install VS code by going to the side VS Code Site here
- Once installed, open VS code, and open an Integrated Terminal within VS Code. You can do this by
Use the View > Terminal or Terminal > New Terminal menu commands.
- Now go to this Integrated Terminal and ensure that you are in the space where you want to create your project. So if you want to create your project in documents just type.
cd Documents
- Once you are in the location, that you want to create your code folder, type the following command below. So in the command below where I have
you can put any name for your app, so whatever you like.
npx create-react-app nameOfYourAppHere
- Once this is done you should have React and all of it's package dependencies installed
- Now let's start you React Application by typing
cd nameOfYourAppHere
npm start
- In your browser go to
- You will see the react logo spinning and that is your application.
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