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What is the 100DaysOfCode challenge and how does it work?

# 100DaysOfCode

Have you heard about 100DaysOfCode?

100DaysOfCode is a challenge that many programmers are eager to do, with it you have more productivity, increase your knowledge, your experience and with that you learn good practices in code creation and everything

How it works ?

To start participating in the challenge, you first have to plan what you can do during these 100 days that is productive, you have to set aside at least 1 hour of your day to be able to put your planning into practice, when you complete the Estimated time you will have to post on a social network proving that you have completed that day and that you are participating in a spectacular challenge.

What can I do ?

This challenge can be done in several ways, such as:

  1. Study a new language
  2. Deepen in a language that you already have a little command of
  3. Make articles about some features that you think are important in programming that other people know, among other things.

Is it difficult to participate in this challenge?

No, it is not difficult, you simply choose something of your choice, the theme is free, you just need the time necessary to be able to complete each day.

Two Main Rules

  1. Code at least one hour every day for the next 100 days.
  2. Tweet your progress every day with the hashtag # 100DaysOfCode.

Learn more about the rules


If you commit yourself publicly to the challenge, if you decided to start, then go to the end and don't give up on anything, be responsible and graduating every day for your effort.

Link to group on whatsapp

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