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How to learn AI and ML?

AI and Machine Learning demand has been increasing at a rapid pace. Experts say that AI will be used in most of the things in the next 10 years. This shows the potential of the growth in jobs in the coming years. Learning AI and Machine Learning will help boost your career.
To start learning AI, you must follow a defined structure and approach.

Here are the steps to get started:

Understanding Basics:

First, you need to familiarize with the basics. Mathematics and statistics are the basics that every programmer must have. Learn programming languages that are used in building AI and ML(Python is highly recommended). Also learn concepts of algebra, calculus and probability theory.

Learn Python Programming:

Python is mostly used in building AI and ML applications and programs. Start learning its basics and the important libraries that are useful in building AI and ML models. Some libraries are numpy, pandas, and matplotlib.

Fundamentals of Machine Learning:

Here are some of the fundamental concepts in machine learning that you must learn:

  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Different types of algorithms and more.

Data Processing:

Data is very crucial. You must know working with data and how to clean, process and transform data to use it in machine learning algorithms.

Explore Machine Learning Libraries:

Scikit-Learn is a popular library used in machine learning. Start building models and train them using real world datasets.

Deep Learning:

Learn the deep learning concepts like convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and transfer learning. Deep learning has its frameworks TensorFlow and PyTorch to build deep learning models.

Start building Projects:

With these concepts cleared, you can start implementing the knowledge to build projects and gain practical experience. Start with building small projects and then increasing the complexity gradually.

Start joining online AI communities:

Interact with fellow programmers of AI and engage with them. If you face any difficulties in coding, you can take help of the community members.

Take online Courses:

I always recommend taking a course to deepen your understanding and learning. Take proper use of sites like Tutorialspoint for the courses.
Here is a AI ML Certification recommendation to start learning from basics to advanced levels:

AI ML Certification

Follow the AI world:

Always be updated with the changes in AI and ML. This field is evolving at a rapid pace, so start following AI and ML blogs, read research papers and keep yourself updated.

Remember, AI and ML is a field that has a enormous potential to do wonders in the future. To be relevant in this field, you must be open to learning. Constantly improve your skills and adapt yourself to the changing technology and evolving landscape of this field.

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