DEV Community

Forrester Terry
Forrester Terry

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Idea: Using Decentralized Identities to Fight AI Threats and Shape Internet 3.0


With the rapid advancement of AI technologies, we will see an increase in internet threats and exploitations. I've been thinking about the future of the internet and how we can make it more secure, decentralized, and user-focused while mitigating the negative effects of AI.

I thought of an idea where we could use Hyperledger Indy for decentralized identity (DID) management and basically create a new protocol that requires DIDs for auth. This is an extension of another idea I had around DIDs and blockchains.

I'd love to get your thoughts and feedback on this, or if you know if any other ideas like this being explored!

The Idea:

Create a new version of the hypertext transfer protocol that requires users to have a DID, managed through Hyperledger Indy. This DID would be checked for validity before allowing any transaction to go through, essentially creating a more secure and decentralized internet (Internet 3.0).

How It Addresses AI-driven Threats:

  • It hinders AI-generated phishing attacks, as every request would require a valid DID.
  • It thwarts AI-powered bots and fake accounts, as the DID requirement would make it challenging to create and maintain large-scale automated systems for malicious purposes.
  • It makes A.I generated or altered content more traceable, as content creators and distributors would have associated DIDs, promoting accountability and authenticity. This could be paired with hashing content for tracking.

Perceived Strengths:

  • Enhanced security and privacy through a robust PKI, selective disclosure, and zero-knowledge proofs.
  • Decentralized and user-centric architecture.
  • Greater interoperability and ease of integration with other web3 technologies.
  • Encourages trust through transparent and tamper-proof DID management.

Foreseeable Weaknesses/Challenges:

  • Increased complexity for developers and users.
  • Potential performance trade-offs due to the computational overhead of DID validation and zero-knowledge proofs.
  • Adoption (browser vendors, web service providers, etc.).
  • Scalability
  • Educating users and businesses about the benefits and workings of the new protocol.


  • Reduces reliance on centralized certificate authorities.
  • Empowers users with more control over their data and identity.
  • Fosters a more open and equitable internet ecosystem.
  • Encourages the development of new web3 applications and services prioritizing security, privacy, and user empowerment.

So, what do you all think? Are there any major concerns or potential improvements I've missed? What do you think about the items I've outlined already?

I'd love to hear your thoughts, especially if you have experience with Hyperledger Indy, DIDs, or web3 technologies!

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