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A quick look at Slack's Webhook Logic Flow

Slack Webhook logic flow illustrated with OutSystems

Purpose: To show the Slack webhook logic in a dashboard integration
For: Devs familiar with OutSystems's dev platform
Listen: Podcast interview with software eng on how Slack was built
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Written by @sydneylai

πŸ“ Where do I start?

Step 1: Have an app to integrate with

Step 2: Create a Slack Incoming Webhook

This is the most common integration, where you have your webapp Slack you a message when an action is triggered.

Find your specific token and Hook URL

Step 3: Use a Slack Integration - a Forge Component


πŸ’‘ Hint: The way the dev decided to write this component, the token is hard-coded so this means you should create a dynamic token to allow posts in various channels.

Step 4: Logic Flow Explained

See how the Issue Tracker dashboard communicates with Slack's Inbound Webhook

(Zoom In) On the left is the Logic Flow and right is the folder structure of containing the logic in the app, which includes server-side actions, functions, as well as REST and SOAP integrations

At the Start of the logic flow, the user is assigning a ticket status. After the ticket is created, the Server Action or Action that runs logic on the server side, assigns a ticket ID and a ticket is created.

The request is then sent to Slack

Assign a Request

Run a Server Action


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