DEV Community

Syed Maaz Saeed
Syed Maaz Saeed

Posted on

Creating Pull Request ON Github

  1. Fork the Repository:

Visit the GitHub repository you want to contribute to.
Click the "Fork" button in the top-right corner to create a personal copy of the repository.

  1. Clone Your Fork:

Copy the URL of your forked repository.
Open your terminal and run:
git clone

  1. Create a New Branch:

Establish a new branch for your changes:
git checkout -b feature/my-contribution
4.Make Changes:

Implement the necessary changes to the code or documentation in your branch.
5.Commit Changes:

Stage your changes:
git add .
Commit the changes with a meaningful message:
git commit -m "Added feature X"
6.Push Changes:

Push your changes to your forked repository:
git push origin feature/my-contribution
7.Create a Pull Request:

Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub.
Click on the "New Pull Request" button.
Select the branch containing your changes.
Provide a clear title and comment explaining your modifications.
8.Review and Merge:

The repository's owner or maintainers will assess your Pull Request.
If everything checks out, they'll merge your changes into the main project.

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