DEV Community

Tayyab Ullah Khan
Tayyab Ullah Khan

Posted on

Stuck badly while learning javascript !!!

I aspire to be a front-end dev. Everything was going well at the start. I was making good progress with HTML, CSS & Scss.
Got to the point where I am excellent in prototyping and making fully responsive websites. But things went downhill as soon as I started Javascript.
I am stuck in an infinite loop. I learn new things & javascript basics, but go totally blank about what to do with the stuff that I have learned. That is the biggest pain; not knowing what to do with the concepts that I have read & being unable to find practical examples to practice as far as web development is concerned.

If anyone has managed to get out of the same situation, please do help!

Top comments (7)

sunilchau profile image
Sunil Chaudhary

Hey there, It happening with me too but I would suggest try making personal projects. It will help you grow your logic and when you know what way it will happen then the code will flow πŸ˜ƒ.
Well I don't use js myself that's because now I got handy on jQuery πŸ˜…πŸ˜….

tayyabullah101 profile image
Tayyab Ullah Khan

This can be a real struggle sometimes, but I have now started making small things with js and it's helping a lot.

sunilchau profile image
Sunil Chaudhary

Nice keep it up

leob profile image

Start building stuff ... there are enough posts (also here on with lists of "things you can build" (beyond the standard "to do list app").

Until you get your hands dirty building something it all just remains theory.

pablocubo profile image
Pablo Lara Roloff • Edited

Hi Tayyab, I related 100% with your situation, I am taking a year boot camp in CareerFoundry. And html , css went quite okay. Now, only the days my brain work at its best I habe the feeling I am understanding the theory of JS, but when trying to apply to practice feels like I need to change for new dipers. Have you got any advance in this issue? I know probably get the hand dirty is a way to somve this, but I struggle internally feeling that I am not smart enough to get it. Nice to read I am not the only one struggeling here though

sandorturanszky profile image
Sandor |

I remember this pain! You will overcome it!!!
Check out this

tayyabullah101 profile image
Tayyab Ullah Khan

Thanks for the great resource. It's just what I needed. 😊