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Cover image for Consult Bridge v1
Tommy Wu
Tommy Wu

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Consult Bridge v1 V1

Exciting news! After a year of dedicated work I'm happy to announce a major milstone for a medical non-profit I'm involved with. I've been hands on with the project alongside an intern, we've built a minimum viable product (MVP) – version 1.0 of our application!

What is Consult Bridge?

Consult Bridge exsist to connect medical specialists to field workers serving in under resourced areas. It provides a simple tele-consultation platform to facilitate the connection and communication between parties.

We built this webapp on NextJS with Typescript using Supabase (Postgres) as a backend-as-a-service (BaaS) and Vercel for hosting NextJS. This stack has allowed us to move quickly and iterativly to meet requirements.

A few key features of the app:

  • Sign on flow and creation of an account with Authentication
  • Creation of cases (consult request) by Field workers
  • Email notifications of events for requests and responses to cases
  • Chat messaging to enable conversation of active cases
  • Re-routing of cases to other specialty

Animation of user creating a consult request

Animation of user interacting with a consult request

This is a big step forward in our mission to connect field-workers to medical specialists. Feel free to leave any feedback, comments or questions!

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