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Terry Threatt
Terry Threatt

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How to secure your private keys.

Security is key

Security in your application should be a large priority for a developer. Anyone having access to your sensitive information can wreck havoc in your application and possibly your personal information. Even if it is a pet project to learn, It is always good practice to ensure you secure your keys. I will walk through a simple application to demonstrate how to secure your private keys to prevent anyone to publically access your secure information.

Let's get started:

Let's create a Rails application.

$ rails new blog
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This command requires Ruby on Rails to be installed. Click here for installation

Let's navigate to our new app and generate some models, controllers, and views.

$ cd blog
$ rails generate scaffold post title:string body:text
$ rails generate scaffold comment post_id:integer body:text
$ rake db:migrate
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Let's add a few gems.

// file: blog/Gemfile
// Add these into the file

gem 'dotenv-rails', groups: [:development, :test]
gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2'
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dotenv - Popular gem that allows you to hide your private keys.
omniauth - Gem that allows you to create authentication in your app.

Click here to get API keys

Execute gem installation

$ bundle 
$ rails server
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Configure omniauth

// Create this file => blog/config/initializers/omniauth.rb 
// Add this snippet 

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
    provider :google_oauth2, '123456789', 'Your_Client_Secret'
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Notice provider :google_oauth2, '123456789', 'Your_Client_Secret'. This is where you can put your secret keys but they wouldn't be very secret here.

Configure omniauth

// Create this file => blog/.env 
// Add your secret credentials 

GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = '123456789'
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET = 'Your_Client_Secret'
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Update omniauth

// replace you secret keys 

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Prepending ENV will give you access to the environment key we created for your secret credentials in the .env file.

Hide your secret file

// Locate your gitignore file => blog/.gitignore
// Add this snippet

# This hides your file from being uploaded to your repository
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Now you are able to rest assured your secret API keys are indeed secret and your application still has access when needed. I hope this helps keep your next project secure. If you enjoyed this article please feel free to follow me.

Terry Threatt

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