This is how you edit or remove a "pushed" commit using Visual Studio. (Just for reference, I am using Visual Studio 2022)
Removing your previous commit from your local repo using Reset
- On the menu bar in Visual Studio, click on Git -> View Branch History.
- Right click the commit that you would like to keep
- Choose Reset -> Keep Changes (--mixed). This option retains all changes from the previous commit
- Note: If you would like to remove all changes from previous commit, choose Delete Changes (--hard) instead
If you need to edit your changes, make them as your desire & commit the changes before moving on.
Force Push into the remote repo
- Open up "Package Manager Console", via Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console
- Type "git push -f". The "-f" is important, as this means forced push. A normal push will prompt Visual Studio to Pull then Push as your local branch is now "behind" the the remote branch
- Open up "Package Manager Console", via Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console
Double check your remote repository's branch history to ensure the old commit is removed.
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