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Data Science or computer science

Hello all,

I am a mid level front end react dev have been working for 4 years as a dev. I want to get a degree but am bit confused on the path.
Ideally I want to do data science machine learning, understand databases and work with data.

I self taught a lot of computer science already so do you think I should do computer science first the do data science after or just jump into data science degree first S:

very confusing any advice appreciated

Top comments (2)

hrantors22 profile image
hrantors22 • Edited

The debate between Data Science and Computer Science is an ongoing one, and it's essential to acknowledge that both fields require unique skill sets. However, I've noticed that many educational institutions often fail to provide adequate guidance, leaving students feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about their career paths. Fortunately, I recently had the opportunity to work on a data science project with online assistance from which greatly improved my understanding of the subject matter. By breaking down complex concepts into manageable chunks, I was able to approach the project with clarity and precision. If more educational resources were tailored to address the specific challenges faced by students in these fields, I believe we'd see a significant improvement in student outcomes.

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

Join Kaggle and take some of their tutorials and look over their 'notebooks'. ;)
Good Luck