DEV Community

Caitlyn Greffly
Caitlyn Greffly

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Body Markdown for Newbies

I've been thinking for a while about starting a blog to discuss the ins and outs of transitioning into the tech field, and today I decided to go for it. Two minutes later - "Body Markdown" is written in the body of this post and my new internal dialog is, "Damnit, now I have to learn Markdown!".

I knew Markdown was simple, but I would need to learn it nonetheless. I can't be the only newbie googling "basics of body markdown", so here is a quick reference guide.


I thought this was going to be easy until I started marking up some examples and it all went to crap when I tried to equate hashtags to HTML heading tags. Turns out you can use heading tags in Markdown. Problem solved.

<h2> This is an 'h2' tag, but you could also have used '##'

<h4> This is an 'h4' tag, but you could also have used '####'

Text Emphasis

Add in some bold text by putting '**' on either side of the text you want to bold.

Add some italicized text but putting single '*' on either side of your text.

Get sassy with bold and italic text by adding, you guessed it, '***' on either side of the text.

Paragraphs and Line Breaks

Press enter. Go to the next line. Repeat.

Block Quotes

"I made this special quote block by adding a simple '>' in front of this text" -Me


You can add in some bits of code and clearly make it different from your plain text with backticks: console.log('This is a sweet bit of code');


You can create a link within your text to keep things clean by putting the text you want to show up as a link in brackets [] followed by the actual link in parentheses ().
[My Sweet Porfolio]( My Sweet Porfolio


Adding an image is similar to adding a link, just add a ! in front.
![Cute Dog](*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto): Cute Dog

About halfway through writing this I found this sweet cheat sheet that has even more helpful stuff!

Alright, now to create actual content next...

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