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A Ruby on Rails Roadmap

Emmy | Pixi on May 27, 2020

Are you a beginner or newbie looking to get started with Ruby on Rails? I've compiled some FREE resources to help you get started in just under 6 ...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern
thecodepixi profile image
Emmy | Pixi

Oh man! I remember reading that when I started Flatiron and was looking for perspectives on Ruby/Rails. So funny to read it again now and be just fully in agreement lol

leastbad profile image

Thanks so much for putting this together, Emily - and welcome to the Rails family. We are so happy that you're here. Likewise, if you're ever stuck...!

I'm going to share this with some folks who need it. :)

thecodepixi profile image
Emmy | Pixi

I'm so happy it might be able to help some people! Ruby and Rails may not be the coolest newest hotness, but the accessibility of it was such a good foundation for me to learn CS concepts and common programming practices that I can translate into learning so many other things.

leastbad profile image

I'll let you in on a little secret: Ruby was never about being the popular kid in town. Indeed, many folks who chase the herd will go where people tell them to go instead of listening to what makes them happy. But yeah, out of the gate the constant question was "but will it scale?" and it slowly morphed into the haters declaring it "old" and therefore, apparently, somehow bad - never mind that it's still the most productive framework for building sites people want to use. There's a reason that the founders of Shopify, GitHub, AirBnb and so many more have said that they didn't succeed despite Rails but because of it.

We figure that we're building stuff 2-5x faster than React teams, on the average.

Anyhow, Rails is always going to be cool to me. I'm someone who reads the Rails Doctrine and I get legit emotional. It's just been such an incredible force for good in my life over the past 16 years.

madza profile image
Madza • Edited

Ruby has always been attractive by the very brief insight I've taken on it and responses I've heard from Ruby devs. It's always been on the 'make project with tech X list'.

Same goes for Rust (which I believe holds great future potential).

simrandotdev profile image

The person from Webcrunch Youtube channel just posted a 2 hour long updated rails 6 video on Traversy Media channel. i am going through that right. you can include that in the list as well.

thecodepixi profile image
Emmy | Pixi

Oh that's awesome! Thanks for the recommendation!

superails profile image
Yaroslav Shmarov • Edited

Good start! And for Rails 6 in particular, I'd say that this is the most up-to-date course: Ruby on Rails 6: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP 2020

vietdeptraii profile image
Nguyα»…n Thanh Việt

This is a great post for a beginner. Thank you

willjohnsonio profile image
Will Johnson

Here another good video as well build a blog with comments

ashwani_0x profile image
Ashwani Agarwal

Nothing beats Rails for Zombies tutorials

leewynne profile image

Props to Brad T on the Rails API tutorial, all his courses are so easy to follow and he keeps it all in simple terms. Love him.

mmaitoza profile image
Michael Maitoza

Thanks Emily for curating this list and finding some free resources. I look forward to checking them out.

xvbnm48 profile image
M Fariz Wisnu prananda

thanks for sharing

fenix profile image

Thanks for sharing :-)