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Implement real-time updates with Django REST Framework | Building Cryptocurrency API

Rashid on December 15, 2019

This post cross-published with OnePublish What's up DEVs? It is time to create another cool project using Django and REST Framework. In this pos...
christiangeng profile image

Lovely, thanks for sharing this!
When trying to get it to work, I have a potentially dumb error:
I am getting the Rest Entry Point at localhost:8000, however the list of data stays empty.
Same with the default database db.sqlite3 where no data are arriving either (the table is created after doing the migrations, but the select * returns nothing).
However, the celery task works in that it prints the data updates to the console (starting with
Updating data... and the new bitcoin etc. rates).
Now I wonder: am I making a kind of typical, very dumb mistake?

thedevtimeline profile image

Did you migrate your project? Try to delete all migrations and migrate your project right after you created models. You can check my github I put commands there. Let me know if it worked for you :)

christiangeng profile image

Thank you very much for the fast response! I have now rebuilt everything (also a fresh install of a venv with the requirements), but I am still getting the same problem:

find . -path "*/migrations/*.py" -not -name "" -delete
find . -path "*/migrations/*.pyc"  -delete

rm -v db.sqlite3
python3 makemigrations trackingAPI
python3 migrate
python3 runserver
celery -A cryptocurrencytracking worker -l info

I also tried a completely fresh checkout with a git clone, but again the same issue (Database gets created, but no data end up there. Rest is visible on localhost:8000, but no data arrive, only the celery worker prints the data as intendended)

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thedevtimeline profile image

Hmm, I will check it again in few hours. Can you please update your file:


from time import sleep
from celery import shared_task
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen, Request

from .models import Cryptocurrency

# do some heavy stuff
def crawl_currency():
    print('Crawling data and creating objects in database ..')
    req = Request('', headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'})
    html = urlopen(req).read()
    bs = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
    # Find first 5 table rows
    rows = bs.find('tbody', class_="table__body").find_all('tr', class_="table__row")[0:5]
    for row in rows:
        cryptocurrency = row.find('span', class_="profile__name").get_text().strip().replace('\n', '')
        values = row.find_all('div', class_="valuta")
        price = values[0].get_text().strip().replace('\n', '')
        market_cap = values[1].get_text().strip().replace('\n', '')
        change = row.find('div', class_="change").find('span').get_text().strip().replace('\n', '')
        print({'cryptocurrency': cryptocurrency, 'price':price, 'market_cap':market_cap, 'change':change}) 
        # Create object in database from crawled data 
            cryptocurrency = cryptocurrency,
            price = price,
            market_cap = market_cap,
            change = change
        # Sleep 3 seconds to avoid any errors


and go check your admin to see objects are created.

Make sure you are running celery and django at the same time.

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christiangeng profile image

Thanks a lot, that was it!

not Cryptocurrency.objects

is always false, so crawl_currency() was never called.
I have set a celery breakpoint there for the first time, then called crawl_currency() at the breakpoint by hand, and now it works like a charm!

Thanks so much!

Would it make sense to test for an empty queryset instead? Sth. like this:

not Cryptocurrency.objects.all()
Thread Thread
thedevtimeline profile image

Great! Ah, I see. Yeah I will fix that line. Thank you for your attention👍

marcelolop3s profile image
Marcelo C. Lopes

Hello guys, because when this code snippet is active, rabbitmq is idle.

if not Cryptocurrency.objects:


while True:

I didn't understand this logic, could someone help me

khanashes profile image

thank you sir for such an amazing article. Now I am working on a similar project but instead of refreshing I want my API to automatically stream data whenever new data comes

arshiamhm profile image

Can you clarify why does the data have to be stored? serializers seem enough

smyja profile image

Must the data be stored? can't you just display it without storing? Kindly explain.

brahim024 profile image
brahim boughanm

Hi can you add async services like channels to see this data updated in front-end