DEV Community

Olukayode Asemudara
Olukayode Asemudara

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Programmatically displaying nav menu from an array and binding to its url property

In a recent Vue.js/Nuxt.js project, the initial challenge I encountered was with the navigation menu links not functioning correctly despite being correctly bound. After thorough debugging and troubleshooting, I successfully resolved the issue with the following steps:

Correct Binding of Route Paths:

## First error

<li v-for="link in links" :key="link">
            <NuxtLink :to="url">{{ link.text }}</NuxtLink>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
links: [
        { text: "About", url: "/about" },
        { text: "Portfolio", url: "/" },
        { text: "Blog", url: "/blog" },
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

## Corrected code;

<li v-for="link in links" :key="link.url">
            <NuxtLink :to="link.url">{{ link.text }}</NuxtLink>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
links: [
        { text: "About", url: "/about" },
        { text: "Portfolio", url: "/" },
        { text: "Blog", url: "/blog" },
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Ensure that the to attribute in NuxtLink components is correctly bound to the route paths using :to="link.url".
Verify that the links array contains objects with text and url properties representing the route paths.
Iterating Over Links Array:

Use v-for directive to iterate over the links array and generate NuxtLink components dynamically.
Each link object should have text representing the link text and url representing the route path.
Testing and Debugging:

Test the navigation menu on different devices and screen sizes to ensure links are clickable and functional.
Utilize browser developer tools to inspect elements and debug any JavaScript errors or CSS issues affecting link functionality.
By addressing the initial challenge and ensuring correct binding of route paths, the issue with links not working in the Vue.js/Nuxt.js navigation menu was successfully resolved. This approach ensures a smooth and seamless user experience for navigating through the website.

Feel free to incorporate these steps into your Vue.js/Nuxt.js projects to troubleshoot and resolve similar issues with navigation menus. Happy coding!

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