Odoo inventory management is huge challenge. Handling 1-20 products ? No problem. Handling 1000-20000? We have a problem.
In this article, I am going to cover how to update inventory of a specific LOT.
I have a repo on the bottom of this page.
Updating inventory based on LOT’s has a couple of advantages, but for this case I am focused on speed. Lets get started.
- Get the ID of all locations where the LOT is located.
- Loop and get all the info we need.
- Overwrite the locations.
1. Get every location where the lot is located.
lotty= ‘iamalotid1234’
lotty_product_location = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'stock.quant', 'search_read', [['&', ['lot_id', '=',lotty],['on_hand','=',True]]])
Lets break this down.
The script does two things.
Searches for ‘stock.quant’, that has a lot_id of ‘lotty’ and the ‘on_hand’ is true.
2. Lets loop and clean up some data
for i in lotty_product_location:
print("{0} - {1} - {2}".format(i['location_id']
3. Okay the data looks clean, lets over write everything to 0.
update_qty = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'stock.quant', 'write', [[lotty_product_location[0]['id']], {'available_quantity': '0','quantity': '0'}])
We can change to quantity to something else, but for now lets do 0 to see if our inventory is update.
NOTE: You need to update both 'available_quantity' and 'quantity'
We can get fancy and add in some more filtering and logic but for now we can updated all inventory based on the lots.
In the future I will make some more complex scripts, something like update all inventory if the quantity is x amount and the product is a certain product.
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