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Cover image for AI-assisted coding interview preparation with AWS Amplify Gen 2, React and Bedrock
Vishnu Pradeep
Vishnu Pradeep

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AI-assisted coding interview preparation with AWS Amplify Gen 2, React and Bedrock

This is a submission for the The AWS Amplify Fullstack TypeScript Challenge

What I Built

I have built a next-generation platform that enhances the coding practice experience by integrating AI-powered assistance. The platform allows users to tackle coding challenges across a wide variety of topics and difficulties. The platform isn't just about solving problems.


Live Deployment

Onboarding / Authentication

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Home / New Challenge

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Run the solution

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submit & Evaluate

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Profile Page

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Building a coding platform was both challenging and enlightening. I utilized several AWS services, including Amplify Hosting for deployment, Cognito for authentication, Lambda for server logic, Amazon Bedrock for AI integration, and DynamoDB for storing user data and challenge details.

For code execution and testing, I used another third-party solution called Judge0 which is an open-source service.

Connected Components and/or Feature Full
AWS Amplify Gen 2 has made building a complicated app from scratch a breeze. I used several features of Amplify Gen 2 and combined them with Amazon Bedrock to build this platform.

Data: The entire data layer is abstracted using AWS AppSync and DynamoDB provided by the Data feature. I also use Lambda functions to customize and insert data.

UI & Authentication: Amplify Auth with Cognito was used for the authentication feature. Most of the functionalities were implemented using the Authenticator component and lambda triggers. Rest of the app was built using Amplify UI.

Lambda Functions: Most of the business logic lives on three different lambda functions. All are connected to Amazon Bedrock for generative AI integration.

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