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Daniel Glejzner for This is Angular

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What is Angular Query?

Short breakdown 👇

Angular Query is used for syncing server data with client applications.

  • Without any unneeded abstractions.

Ideal for

  • grids

  • tables

  • listings

  • etc…

We have 2 packages to look at

  1. ngneat/query

  2. tanstack/angular-query-experimental

ngneat is unofficial adapter

TanStack one is official

  • developed by @Arnoud_dv @tan_stack

  • for now supports only Signals

  • RxJS support planned for the future

Both are using TanStack Query Core.

🟨 Core Concepts 🟨

1. Queries

  • Declaratively manage data fetching.

  • Letting Angular Query handle the timing and specifics of server communication.

2. Mutations

  • Handle data modification

  • Integrating queries for a consistent data management

🧹 Cache & Cleanup 🧹

1. Cache Management

  • Data maintenance and retrieval is handled by Query Client & Query Cache.

2. Query Keys

  • A system for identifying and managing data dependencies across components.

3. SWR

  • Ensures data freshness by smartly revalidating data behind the scenes without sacrificing performance.

💻 Significant DX improvements 💻

  • Reduced boilerplate Out of the box

  • Intelligent caching and data management strategies

  • Giant performance boost in writing async code

  • Pairs fantastic with component state management libraries

Basic usage with ngneat/query:

Service usage:

    import { injectQuery } from '@ngneat/query';

    @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
    export class TodosService {
      #http = inject(HttpClient);
      #query = injectQuery();

      getTodos() {
        return this.#query({
          queryKey: ['todos'] as const,
          queryFn: () => {
            return this.http.get<Todo[]>(
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Component usage with Observables:

      standalone: true,
      template: `
        @if (todos.result$ | async; as result) {
          @if (result.isLoading) {
          @if (result.isSuccess) {
            <p>{{[0].title }}</p>
          @if (result.isError) {
    export class TodosPageComponent {
      todos = inject(TodosService).getTodos();
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Component usage with Signals:

      standalone: true,
      template: `
        @if (todos().isLoading) {
        @if (todos().data; as data) {
          <p>{{ data[0].title }}</p>
        @if (todos().isError) {
    export class TodosPageComponent {
      todos = inject(TodosService).getTodos().result;
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Top comments (10)

artydev profile image

Thank you

danielglejzner profile image
Daniel Glejzner


gianpiero_errigo profile image
Gianpiero Errigo

Sorry to say this, but I'd think it should be better to reword the title and the article a bit.
In its current state it sounds like there's something official from the Angular team called Angular Query.
I never heard about something like that (glad to be proved wrong, obviously), and I think that both projects are adapters for a third party lib, TanStack, that's not related to Angular in any way.

danielglejzner profile image
Daniel Glejzner

Angular Query is the official name for the adapter.

gianpiero_errigo profile image
Gianpiero Errigo

Still the article can be misleading.
IMHO, it would be better to clarify already in the breakdown you're writing about a third party lib for state management: Tanstack Query.
At the moment it looks like an angular feature, while it's just an adapter for a framework-agnostic library.

Thread Thread
danielglejzner profile image
Daniel Glejzner

I appreciate your observation. Thanks.

azurabennett profile image
Azura Bennett

Angular Query simplifies server-client data synchronization, with ngneat/query and tanstack/angular-query-experimental packages. RxJS support planned. Efficiency for printer grids, tables, etc.

muhammadawaisshaikh profile image
Muhammad Awais
spock123 profile image
Lars Rye Jeppesen


jangelodev profile image
João Angelo

Hi Daniel Glejzner,
Excellent content, very useful.
Thanks for sharing.