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Let's See Your Terminal

Since I've decided to pivot to another area of tech over the past two years, I returned here to DEV to clean out my over 1100+ Reading List articles and to follow new tags.

While pruning, I came across this article:

This got me thinking about my recent pivot, my switch to Neovim by way of LazyVim to write most of my code, and using tmux to keep terminal states alive after closing a session.

I've tricked out my terminal with iTerm2 being my editor of choice and seeing that old article made me want to share my terminal with the DEV Community.

More on that at the end of the post.

Where I've been

It's been a long time. Life has not been easy. Like at all. Landing and losing two jobs, my mother to dementia, the best therapist I've ever had, my mobility for a whole year after a severe leg injury, and the townhome I rented before our startup cut the non-essential devs from the roster, has worn on me mentally and emotionally, so much so I am not even sure how I am still here. I am currently couch surfing with an old school friend's mom and she's been kind enough to let me setup my computer, TV, PS5, and homelab setup in this tiny room I am in. I am forever grateful for this because if it wasn't for her, I would have been on the street for a year plus as no family here has or is willing to help me out with shelter.

My humble abode
The room before I rearranged it for the 20th time this year

Regardless, I have pivoted to cybersecurity. While I still build software, I am no longer interested in the frontend part of software development and am strictly working in VMs for pentesting and SOC analysis and using Python, Rust, and Go to build tools for red team projects.

I also have a homelab stocked with used and new rack mounted NUCs, a TP-Link 24 port managed switch, a UniFi Dream Machine Pro Switch and AP, and some really old Raspberry Pis I bought a few years ago connected up to another old UPS unit till I move from here to the new place in a couple months.

Homelab rack
My server rack with all components mentioned above.

You said something about a terminal, no?

Yes! Here is mine. Share yours if you want to in the comments. Or don't. I'm not your dad.

LazyVim with open Neotree
The linter I installed with mason.vim is really particular.

LazyVim working on a DNS enumeration tool

Top comments (25)

stepheweffie profile image

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I installed Warp about a month ago

tifflabs profile image

I have Warp installed too! I love it. Being able to use the keyboard to its fullest without fiddling with settings and profiles is a great feature.

bensullivan2002 profile image

Me too!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

My terminal is very similar to yours, except I don't use file explorers in vim (or in the terminal in general) as I find them more confusing than helpful, so that bit's missing, and I usually have a patterned background and I recommend it to everyone:

Though nowadays I've started using wezterm as I can share the config between Mac, Linux and even WSL... and it's very configurable.

joaf93 profile image

And thus everyone posted pictures of their terminals IDE's 😅

kurealnum profile image

Neovim runs straight out of the terminal. Unless I'm mistaken, it is no way an IDE.

instalab profile image
Samuel Boczek

IDE - integrated development environment.

Neovim - File browser ✅, Code Editor ✅, Syntax Highlighting ✅, Autocomplete code ✅, Debug Code ❌

Yeah, it's IDE in my opinion.

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kurealnum profile image

Perhaps I was thinking of Neovim in its bare form. Once fully configured, it is an IDE, but otherwise, I would still argue that it isn't.

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thesmader profile image
Smarak Das

You can debug code ✅ in Neovim.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

Terminal = Alacritty + Tmux
Editor = Neovim
OS: OpenSUSE Tumbleweed (Tried using Arch for some time. But Tumbleweed was my type)
Theme: Catppuccin Macchiato

Pretty minimal and works just fine for me!

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codedude64 profile image

oh, man! I just loved alacritty but it doesn't allow ligatures in the fonts! but your screen recall me of good times.

shricodev profile image
Shrijal Acharya

No support for ligature is the only thing I hate about Alacritty. If you want the good side of alacritty with ligature support, I would suggest to use Kitty.

sapegin profile image
Artem Sapegin • Edited

My terminal

WezTerm, Starship, MonoLisa font, my own color scheme, lots of customizatons...

snuggs profile image
Ahmid-RA • Edited

ANDROID TERMUX (Debian) + TMUX (With tricked out status) + VIM
Haven't used an actual PC/Laptop in MONTHS.

Dotfiles 👉🏽

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kurealnum profile image

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Neovim :)

Or with my other favorite background:

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sambjss profile image

I, too, have recently adopted NeoVim and while I have a couple of config-niggles to sort out between my linter and formatter, I can't see myself going back soon

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michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Love these types of posts!

I'm not actually a coder, so gonna just admire all the pretty colors, haha! 😍

invm profile image

Wish you all the best mate!

Using tmux is making terminal tabs irrelevant, drop those.

I'm using wezterm, also with lazyvim, catpuccin as a tmux theme, I have meta+number shortcut to switch tmux windows instead of terminal tabs, using sessions to switch between projects, and vim-tmux-navigator for speed.

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tobiadeniji profile image

I agree with you. I use tmux and neovim on Alacritty terminal emulator, no tabs needed. Alacritty doesn't even let you create tabs.