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Pankaj Patel for Time to Hack

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Gatsby or Next.js?

Hey all,

Just wanted to know about what community thinks when choosing between Gatsby and NextJS?

Do you use any other SSG other than Gatsby or Next.js like

  • React Static
  • Eleventy
  • Hugo
  • etc. which one?

Top comments (9)

alexandermchan profile image
Alex Chan

I moved from gatsby to next. Next imho has easier and more intuitive routing, a simpler API system, a really impressive dynamic vs static page caching. While graphql sounds like itโ€™d be better in gatsby, nexts implementation of page data seems simpler. Checkout lee robโ€™s excellent free course if you want more on next but the docs are also excellent.

pankajpatel profile image
Pankaj Patel

Thanks for the insights @alexandermchan

I would try to get some hands on Next.js

noclat profile image
Nicolas Torres

Gatsby is strongly opinionated, slow, and is a pain in the ass whenever you want to do anything that's not within the framework. Go with Next.js, no hesitation.

pankajpatel profile image
Pankaj Patel

Thanks for recommendation @noclat

shivarajnaidu profile image

Will it give same seo & prefetching pages and other benifits as gatsby ?

Any quick gatsby vs next list will be good addition ;)

pankajpatel profile image
Pankaj Patel

I think they both offer good SEO capabilities though it is all subjective to dev's efforts

csgeek profile image

Personally I really like hugo though I'm still new at it it's been really fun and easy too works with.

mrbaptastic profile image
Baptiste Thieblemont

nextjs is working closely with the react team for the upcoming features, they also have been working with google for optmizations

pankajpatel profile image
Pankaj Patel

Thats a good point about Next.js team