DEV Community

Timothy Nwokeji
Timothy Nwokeji

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My journey into backend web development

How it all started

In 2022 a family friend told me about the Zuri internship program and I was excited to be a part of it. I registered for the frontend track which I was already familiar with. I also registered for the backend track. That was how I got my first push into the backend space.

A memorable experience in my backend journey.

At one time in 2022, I was interviewed, and the interviewer made me look as though I did not know backend web development. The resulting project may not be my most complex, but I was surely a challenging one at that stage of my expertise as I was motivated to prove I knew my stuff. That was my first complete full stack project.

I used my knowledge of python and JavaScript to build a calculator that features user authentication and authorization as well as CRUD operations.
Today I can build twitter clone using Django but I wouldn't be as motivated as I was then to prove myself.

It was challenging because it was at that time I took my first look into software structure and architecture. I did my best to follow the pattern known as loose coupling, separating tasks among various parts of my application from model to data processing to view.

I assigned different tasks to different layers at the same time maintaining minimal dependence between layers.

One feature of the application that was difficult to implement the rendering of results to the users. I did some research using google but could get answers at that time. During the day at work, I would think about that problem and after some time I solved it in my mind without even coding!!! That alone taught me that taking breaks between coding sessions can help us solve problems that seem complex or difficult.

The following is a link to the project:


My goals for the HNG internship

I plan to use this opportunity to broaden my knowledge on backend technologies, connect and collaborate with techies like myself and have fun while doing so.

My goal is to be part of the finalist who will be added to HNG's pool of great talents.
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