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Theodore Karropoulos
Theodore Karropoulos

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Access modifiers in C#

Access modifiers are basically keywords that set the access or level of visibility on classes, methods, variables in our code. In other words if a class, method, variable can be used or be accessed from code of its assembly or other assemblies.

Type of access modifiers

There are currently six base types of access modifiers in C#.

  1. public
  2. private
  3. protected
  4. internal
  5. protected internal
  6. private protected

The public access modifier

Probably the most famous one. When we declare a class as public then it can be accessed from any class.

public class PublicClass
    // Some awesome staff here...
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The private access modifier

Properties or methods that are declared as private can be accessed only within the specific class or struct

public class PublicClass
    private void string PrivateMethod()
        // do great things here
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The protected access modifier

Properties or methods that are declared as protected can be accessed only by code in the same class or in a class that is derived from that class.

public class ParentClass
    protected int _protectedInt;

public class DerivedClass: ParentClass
    static void Main()
        var derivedClass = new DerivedClass();

        // Direct access to protected members.
        derivedClass._protectedInt = 10;
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The internal access modifier

Types or members can be accessed from anywhere inside the same assembly but not from other assemblies

internal class InternalClass
    // Our hello world code here
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The protected internal access modifier

A protected internal member is accessible from the current assembly or from types that are derived from the containing class.

public class AssemblyOneBaseClass
   protected internal int someInt = 0;

public class AssemblyOneTestClass
    void Access()
        var assemblyOneBaseClass = new AssemblyOneBaseClass();
        assemblyOneBaseClass.someInt = 5;

public class AssemblyTwoDerivedClass : AssemblyOneBaseClass
    static void Main()
        var assemblyOneBaseClass = new AssemblyOneBaseClass();
        var assemblyTwoDerivedClass = new AssemblyTwoDerivedClass();

        assemblyOneBaseClass.someInt = 10;
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The private protected access modifier

A private protected member is accessible by types derived from the containing class, but only within its containing assembly.

public class BaseClass
    private protected int someInt = 0;

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    void Access()
        var baseClass = new BaseClass();
        someInt = 5;
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All the above in a glance
If you would like to read more about access modifiers in C# please visit this link , or check out my blog for more stories.

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