Most people my age either wake up around 8 am for morning classes or relax until 10 am whenever they can or later due to the late nights hanging ou...
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I usually start my day around 4 to 5 a.m. in the morning. Try to sleep at 10 in the night or before that. That what I try to stick to. There are times when I have to complete some work throughout the night. I try to bring my schedule back to routine. I keep 1-2 hour to exercise, or play basketball or for running. 1 hour is to play violin.
2 -3 for learning something new in programming.
I usually keep a 3 -4 hour to just focus on programming.
Yeah thats pretty much it.
I typically start my days around that time as well, assuming I didn't stay up too late the night before. I find it hard to return to early mornings once I have a sleepless night but I always try my best to get back at it as soon as possible. Early morbid always feel the best and most productive for me.
I start my work Mondays at around 6am — after waking up around 5:15.
I really try to get as much done Monday morning as possible, and if I can pull that off, the rest of the week is playing with house money. Normally I log on around 9 and leave around 5. But I really go hard on Mondays for what wind up being pretty long days.
It seems as if I always am trying to make my days longer somehow to get in more work. There always feels like there is so much to do and too little time in the world
I work from home: Generally start my day around 7:30am, and if I can get out of my chair by 3pm, that's the goal! But I allow for the reality that I'll have extended days from time to time.
That sounds like a wonderful schedule
I feel like my days don't have a concrete start/end time, but I try to become an animal of routine. I usually wake up around 7:30 and let myself warm up for 0.5-1 hour and do school/work until 5pm. After 5pm, I'd take a big break until 8pm (work out, clean, cook, eat). After 8, I'd still work but on less intensive tasks and try to sleep at around 12.
When I wake up and when I go to sleep 😉. But if you mean hours logged to the day job, I am blessed with flexibility, targeting 5 hours a day Monday to Friday. Typically I'll start around 10 and finish around 4 with a lunch break. It shifts though depending on commitments. Most days I walk the kids to school which sees me home a little after 9 and some afternoons I'll collect them which sees me leaving the office around 2:30. For those days I need the odd longer day where I'll work till 5 or 6 and/or start around 9:30.
Evenings after the kids are in bed often I work on side projects (unpaid and typical FOSS and/or community support). Never done TV but will someone's Netflix with my wife, notably in the winter and we have a home theatre not a TV and it works best when it's dark 😉
I have an awful schedule that I need to work on changing. My wife works swing shift and doesn’t get home until about 10pm.
It starts with me getting up as late as possible for my 8:45am standup. I don’t really take a lunch and end up stopping at about 3pm. Because my wife is gone all evening, I usually pick up work again at about 6pm until she gets home. We stay up fairly late since she doesn’t have to get up early in the morning.
I retired a couple of years ago and decided to just let my schedule float. I ended up waking between 1100am and 1pm and then working into the night until 3-4am. I loved it but it was horrible to mesh with the rest of the world. Can't run a saw on a woodworking night at midnight when I'm in full swing.
Now I'm slowing changing my schedule to better mesh with the outside world. My goal is waking at 9-10am and working until midnight. Clock now says I better scoot to make it to a 1am bedtime. Little steps
I've got a startup, so I wake up at 6, work until 23, and repeats 7 days per week ... ;)