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Building the Tailor App: A Custom-Fitting Solution for Measurement Management

Article still in development

The Story: As I finish the foundation stage of the ALX Software Engineering program, I was plagued with the thought of what I should work on for my foundation project so I had a week long discussion with my wife who is a fashion designer, and we came to a conclusion for me to build a simple tool to make measurements seamless for tailor.

Background: The fashion industry thrives on precision, especially when it comes to tailoring and customization. Whether you're a professional tailor or someone who enjoys creating bespoke garments, accurate measurements are critical. That’s where the Tailor App comes in. This project started as a vision to simplify and streamline the measurement process, ensuring precision while offering the flexibility of custom inputs.

Throughout this journey, I have worked through the challenges of UI/UX design, dynamic input handling, and form customizations. In this blog, I’ll walk you through the key stages of development and the technical decisions that have shaped the Tailor App so far.

Project Overview: What is the Tailor App?

The Tailor App is a web-based tool designed to help tailors, fashion designers, and DIY clothing enthusiasts collect, manage, and store client measurements. It allows users to input standard measurements, such as bust, waist, and hips, while also offering the option to add customized fields. This flexibility is key in creating unique garments where personalized fit is paramount.

Features of the Tailor App

  • Standard Measurement Input: Users can quickly enter standard body measurements like bust, waist, and hip.
  • Custom Measurements: Tailors often need to capture measurements beyond the basics. The app provides a feature to add custom measurement fields dynamically.
  • Measurement Unit Flexibility: Every measurement field can be entered in either inches or centimeters, based on user preference.
  • Client Data Management: Capture and store essential client information, including name, contact details, and other relevant data.

Building the Foundation: Initial Development Steps

The project kicked off with creating the basic layout and functionality for measurement input. The main measurement form was designed to capture standard body measurements, using a clean and intuitive form layout.

Early on, one of the challenges I faced was how to present the input fields clearly while offering users the ability to switch between inches and centimeters. To manage this, I created a form structure where each measurement field had an accompanying unit dropdown selector, ensuring that users could easily toggle between their preferred units.

Key Lessons from the Early Stage:

  • Form Layout and Alignment: Ensuring that fields are properly aligned and visually balanced required some fine-tuning with CSS, especially when dealing with multiple inputs on a single line.
  • Handling Dynamic Input: Introducing the option for custom measurements required building a flexible structure that could dynamically add new fields without disrupting the form’s flow.

Customization and Flexibility: Adding Custom Measurements

As the project evolved, the need for a Quick Customize feature became apparent. The tailoring process often demands the collection of unique measurements not covered by standard fields, so I added the ability to define and capture custom measurements.

Key Customization Challenges:

  • Form Field Alignment: Initially, the custom fields for "name," "value," and "unit" were too large and stacked vertically. This not only consumed unnecessary space but also disrupted the clean look of the form.
  • Solution: Using flexbox, I was able to align the custom input fields horizontally, ensuring they fit seamlessly with the standard fields. This improved both the appearance and usability of the form.

Here's a code snippet showing how I used Flexbox to solve this problem:

.custom-field-container {
   display: flex;
   justify-content: space-between;
   gap: 10px;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

By using this approach, the custom measurement fields now appear on a single line, maintaining the compact and consistent design of the form.

UI and UX Refinement: Enhancing User Experience

A significant portion of the project was dedicated to refining the user interface and ensuring the experience was intuitive. One major focus was on ensuring that the "Quick Measurement" modal window was not only functional but aesthetically pleasing.

Design Tweaks:

  • Centralizing Modal Titles: Initially, the modal titles were misaligned, giving an unpolished look. After adjustments, titles such as "Quick Measurement" are now centered, improving the overall balance of the layout.
  • Responsive Buttons and Input Fields: Buttons were repositioned and resized to ensure they fit the layout and maintain alignment, especially in the "Quick Customize" section.
  • Consistent Field Size: Both the standard measurement fields and the custom input fields were resized to maintain a consistent look and feel throughout the form. This ensures a smoother experience for users interacting with the form.

Client Data Management: Adding Client Details

Capturing client details is an integral part of the tailoring process, so I developed a feature that allows users to store client-specific information like name, phone number, email, and age.

In addition to basic contact information, there is an option to specify the client’s sex, which can influence the measurements needed (for example, male vs. female body measurements). This ensures the application remains flexible to different user requirements.

The Challenge of Switching Between Forms:

Switching between the measurement form and the client details form required proper state management. To handle this, I used conditional rendering, where the form changes depending on whether the user is inputting measurements or client information.

{/* Conditional Rendering Example */}
{showClientDetails ? (
  <ClientDetailsForm />
) : (
  <MeasurementForm />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This allowed me to smoothly transition between forms without breaking the flow of the app.

Challenges and Lessons Learned

Throughout the development of the Tailor App, there were several technical challenges that pushed me to refine my approach and deepen my understanding of form management, layout control, and responsive design. Here are a few key takeaways:

  1. Flexbox is Your Friend: Managing alignment and space distribution in complex forms is much easier when using Flexbox. It allowed me to solve many alignment issues and create a clean, responsive layout.

  2. Consistent UI Design: Keeping a consistent design for input fields and buttons is critical in ensuring a professional and user-friendly interface. Every small design detail, from the width of the input fields to the placement of the buttons, makes a significant difference.

  3. State Management and Conditional Rendering: Properly managing state in forms with multiple steps and conditions (e.g., switching between measurement input and client details) can make or break the user experience.

What’s Next for the Tailor App?

Moving forward, the Tailor App will continue to evolve. Future updates will include:

  • Improved Validation: Ensuring that measurement data is accurately captured and validated before submission.
  • Storage and Retrieval: Implementing a database to store client data securely and retrieve it on-demand for future tailoring projects.
  • Enhanced Customization: Allowing users to define more advanced custom measurement fields and templates for different garment types.

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