I saw this on hnews today: https://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2022/06/09/in-defense-of-cryptocurrency/
Such raw naked hunger and greed on display here.
Literally burning enough energy to power an entire country to run hashing algorithms. And the days pass with hollow promises of better tech.
Fix that first, fix that now and show the world your community actually gives AF.
But you will not.
Nor will your community. Crypto is fine and happy to help make the world burn hotter.
If you hold bitcoin or mine bitcoin you have blood on your hands.
It is that simple.
Until bitcoin is stopped none of the rest of the article matters.
Regulate it? Attack it? You pick but either way it must be stopped.
The crypto community has no will to do it themselves.
The tech is interesting to me but a central database solves most of the problems and does not burn the world in the process.
Hopefully the newer blockchain tech will take over but I doubt it highly.
Top comments (1)
I also consider Bitcoin as a stupid waste of resources on a global scale. All proof-of-work tokens are a disaster IMHO since the security is based on a proof that enough processing power has been spent.
However, there are many other tokens based on proof-of-stake which do not waste energy and are more efficient. These make much more sense IMHO since they are more ecologic/sustainable.