I am not good at English.
I use DeepL a lot.
Graphing support via VegaLite has arrived to Livebook! をイゴかしてみる(Elixir)
- I hope you enjoy Elixir ‼️‼️‼️
- Now that Livebook is out there, let's try it out!
- For a detailed explanation, see Announcing Livebook.
- I'm embarrassed to admit that I first saw this in a tweet on April 1st, so - I thought it was an April Fool's joke!
- It's really real!
- password:
- https://github.com/elixir-nx/livebook/tree/e10f43e5b53a75a857106df04bd45d37629f4ebf
- password:
- I'll keep it running for a month, so please feel free to play with it.
- until 06/23/2021
- It is running on a virtual private server called Time4VPS.
- I don't care what you do with it, as it was made exclusively for this purpose.
- RAM 2GB, Storage 20GB
- Elixir 1.12, later
- Would you please refer to README?
$ git clone https://github.com/elixir-nx/livebook.git
$ cd livebook
$ mix deps.get --only prod
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.server
Visit: http://localhost:8080/?token=pn6rnkqs44livrm2jgad5dkjof4wlgqe
- The token is example.
Wrapping Up
- Awesome!
- Amazing!
- Unbelievable!
- I will keep an eye on this.
- Enjoy Elixir!
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