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Carl Torrence
Carl Torrence

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Leveraging JAMstack for Boosting Business Website Sales: Top Tips

You do not need us to tell you that online browsing before purchase is the global norm. But did you know just how much potential your business website has when it comes to increasing sales, building a community, and elevating your online brand?

Companies across the globe have not only accelerated the digitization of their sales operations by 3-4 years due to the pandemic but also they have successfully pivoted and transformed their website browsing experiences to engage their intended audience.

In addition to listing all your products for any time anywhere shopping, your website serves as a one-stop shop for people to become acquainted with your brand. It is a 24x7 platform — whether they are acting on a 3 AM impulse buy or simply want to look up your client portfolio, they can do it regardless of the time or time zone. That is the beauty of websites.

Websites also offer convenience to you

From a business perspective, having a website does not just help you increase online sales, it also empowers your sales team to do their job more efficiently. For starters, they can track down the leads coming into the site through the integrated CRM. And with CPQ implementation, they can automate key sales processes and create personalized proposals based on customer data retrieved from the site. This helps improve customer satisfaction and ultimately leads to higher sales.

Then there is the knowledge base element — all the details about your brand, your products or services, and your customer stories exist on your site, which is why any new customer will check out your site before trusting you with their money.

And last but not least, having a thriving website helps your physical business flourish — an impressive 80% of final sales occur through online research and offline buying.

JAMstack takes the cake (and for a reason)

It goes without saying, for all of this to work optimally, your website needs to be built in the best shape possible. And the good news is that JAMstack is one of the most user-friendly platforms for designing world-class websites.

An acronym for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup, JAMstack is a modern and intuitive web app development service that allows you to build a site statistically, offering dynamic content and an exceptional user experience through JavaScript. Brands such as PayPal, Nike, and Shopify have built their sites on JAMstack.

However, to eliminate issues such as poor user experience, slow page speed, high maintenance costs, and faltering organic website traffic, you first need to build your business website on a solid foundation.

Did you know there was an 85% increase in desktop web pages powered by JAMstack and a 147% increase in mobile web pages in 2020? It is clear the reliance on JAMstack sites is growing. To help you out, we have put together this handy guide to all the to-dos when it comes to optimizing your JAMstack site.

1. Invest in web design

They say the first impression is the last impression, and in the case of websites, it is true. A whopping 75% of people judge a website’s credibility based on its appearance, and 38% will stop engaging with a website if it is clunky. Give your website a thorough once-over to ensure it is designed optimally, including an attractive and responsive layout, clean colors and page structures, and strategic links and call-to-action buttons.

2. Go all in on SEO

You will not make sales if you do not rank high in search engine results. Period. So do your research and invest in adding the right keywords, tags, and links so that search engines know what your site is about. JAMstack offers access to SEO features such as:

  • Title and meta descriptions: Write unique meta tags for each page and view the results in the search engine preview snippet.

  • Alt tags for images: Optimize your website images to include the relevant keywords.

  • Social sharing: JAMstack allows you to create social sharing buttons to appear on specific page templates by using any templating language and some CSS.

  • Fast loading: JAMstack websites are faster because the static files are hosted on CDNs.

What is more, you want to attract the right kinds of traffic — people who are genuinely interested in and likely to buy your products or services — rather than just vast numbers of people who will leave your site after a few seconds of aimless browsing. If you do not feel confident handling SEO in-house, it makes sense to hire a professional.

3. Ensure your site is mobile-optimized

By 2025, around 73% of online users will access the Internet exclusively through mobile devices. If your JAMstack site does not work optimally on smartphones and tablets, you will lose most of your audience.

Tweak your JAMstack website design to ensure that text, graphics, links, and layouts look as professional and work as smoothly as they do on a desktop. Tools like Google AMP can help you test page load times so that you know what to modify for faster mobile browsing. However, JAMstack takes care of that and more.

Luckily, all JAMstack website themes are mobile-responsive, to begin with. Many Static Site Generators (SSGs) are set up to practice Responsive Web Design. You can define rules for various screen sizes using CSS media queries. 

4. Craft an expert sales landing page

This is the page your customers will arrive at after clicking on your ads or email CTA button. This is where you make a sales pitch for the core product or service you are looking to sell to your intended audience.

There are several aspects to crafting a landing page. Still, at the very least, you need an attractive visual of the product, some testimonials or success stories so that customers know your product is worth it, and a strong call to action.

Even minor adjustments to your landing page could significantly impact your conversion rate, so run A/B tests on it to ensure that every element is exactly right. Practice makes perfect!

5. Use plugins for lead generation

When you build a website on JAMstack, you get the flexibility to integrate a wealth of plugins you can install on your site to enhance its performance.

From lead generation plugins like Mailchimp to eCommerce plugins like WooCommerce to SEO plugins like Google XML Sitemaps, running a business website and building a loyal brand following has never been easier.

Simply list your requirements and pick the plugins that make sense for your strategy — some of them are free. The ultimate goal of your business website is to drive leads. Plugins will help you greatly in this endeavor.

6. Have a foolproof content structure

How you organize your content is as important as writing good content. Your business website’s content structure impacts both SEO and UX, so be sure to download a sitemap plugin on JAMstack and structure the flow of the website in the most engaging way.

You will also want to keep your site URLs concise and specific so that customers can easily find them online. JAMstack will automatically generate static URLs for your primary pages (static URLs look like, as compared to dynamic URLs that contain random numbers and letters and can be hard to navigate).

For blog posts or products, you can adjust the URLs by adding relevant keywords and separating them with dashes. And finally, make sure you have a clear header menu with all pages either listed separately or under drop-down menus.

7. Do not forget about analytics

How do you continue to delight your customers while attracting more? You study them. Using tools like Google Analytics for JAMstack to monitor customer behavior will help you predict their needs and adjust your business strategy to meet those needs.

Google Analytics gives you complete insights into your sales funnel, including where your site visitors are coming from and how long they stay. You can customize your sales content to connect with them optimally at each stage.

Over to you

In conclusion, when building a JAMstack store, it is vital to focus on providing an attractive, user-friendly experience that makes shopping or browsing easy while also investing in lead generation and analytics to nurture current and future leads.

Hopefully, this guide helps you start on the right track — and if you need some extra help, it is never a bad idea to call in a professional. Nearly half a billion websites run on JAMstack, so you have already made the right call by choosing it as your business’s online foundation. Good luck!

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