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Trinmar Boado
Trinmar Boado

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Programmers always Overthink

Overthinking is a common problem among programmers, especially when faced with complex or challenging tasks. It can lead to frustration, stress, and even burnout if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid overthinking and keep your mind focused on the task at hand.

First, it’s important to recognize when you are overthinking. This can be tricky, as it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between productive and unproductive thoughts. However, there are some common signs to watch out for, such as:

  • Obsessing over details or perfectionism
  • Constantly second-guessing yourself or your decisions
  • Struggling to make progress or move forward with a task
  • Feeling overwhelmed or anxious about a project

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to take action to avoid overthinking. Here are some tips to help:

  1. Set clear goals and deadlines. Having a specific goal in mind can help to focus your thoughts and efforts. It’s also important to set realistic deadlines to help you stay on track and avoid getting bogged down in details.

  2. Break tasks into smaller chunks. Large, complex tasks can be overwhelming, so it’s important to break them down into smaller, manageable pieces. This will make it easier to focus on one task at a time, and it will also help you to see progress as you move forward.

  3. Take breaks. It’s important to give your mind a break from time to time. Step away from your work, take a walk, or do something else to clear your head. This will help to prevent burnout and keep you refreshed and focused.

  4. Talk to someone. Sometimes, overthinking can be a result of feeling isolated or alone. If you’re struggling with a problem, try talking to a colleague or mentor. They may be able to provide a fresh perspective or offer helpful advice.

  5. Be kind to yourself. Overthinking can often be a result of self-doubt or negative self-talk. It’s important to be kind to yourself and remember that everyone makes mistakes. Accept your limitations and focus on what you can do to improve.

By following these tips, you can avoid overthinking and keep your mind focused on the task at hand. This will help you to be more productive, reduce stress, and ultimately be more successful in your programming career.

Top comments (17)

weaves87 profile image
Andrew Weaver

This is a great list.

I'd like to especially highlight #3 and #4. It's amazing how just talking a problem out with someone who has an alternative perspective sheds so much more light on a problem - even if their comments/suggestions don't lead anywhere, the process around putting a problem into words just seems to activate different parts of the brain.

I actively practice #3 often by "sleeping on it". I'll implement something, then review it after I haven't looked at it in 24 hours. I've caught so many bugs/issues and solved so many tough problems this way!

trinly01 profile image
Trinmar Boado

Awesome! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. What topic do you want tackle next?

lisacee profile image
Lisa Cee • Edited

4 is a big one for me. I can't tell you how many times I have composed a question in Slack, only to figure out the solution as I was writing.

trinly01 profile image
Trinmar Boado

Thanks Lisa. You are not alone 🥰

plastikaweb profile image
Carlos Matheu

About perfectionism, I have fallen into it, and I have worked with people with a paralyzing perfectionism.

My idea in these cases is:
think about a year ago, how you worked, what knowledge you had, etc. and compare them with what you currently have. Would you do that project from 1 year ago exactly the same, or do you think you have accumulated new experience that you would apply? You would surely answer yes.
So think that what you do today, surely in a year you would do it even better. Focusing on what you control today, with the certainty that in the future you will do things even better, can help you not get stuck. We don't know everything, and we will always improve, but we and our work will never be "perfect" .

trinly01 profile image
Trinmar Boado

Thanks bro for sharing your deep thoughts too

angelabowen profile image
Angie Bowen

Great tips! I like to mind map and just throw all of my ideas out there before I start trying to organize them. It helps me not lose ideas when I'm in the muddle of organization.

trinly01 profile image
Trinmar Boado

Cool Angie! share it with us too 🥰

vengateshtr profile image
Vengatesh TR

Good one. Thanks

trinly01 profile image
Trinmar Boado

Thanks Ven! what future topic do you want to tackle next

kenramiscal1106 profile image
Ken Daniele Ramiscal

This list is very informative
Thanks for sharing this

gamerseo profile image

This is unfortunately true for the most part.

trinly01 profile image
Trinmar Boado


gilfewster profile image
Gil Fewster

Nice, concise description of overthinking/analysis-paralysis. Your suggestions are practical and effective.

trinly01 profile image
Trinmar Boado

Thanks Gil, what future topic do you want to tackle next?

mohamed26366036 profile image
Mohamed Abdelsattar

i am still learning and i already overthink

kamalhossain profile image
Kamal Hossain

Thanks for these reminders.