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Is-It-Dash, A simple data validation library

Hello, I'm Tripto Afsin, I've made a simple data validation library for the sake of learning regex and for personal usage
Hope some of you may find it handy and I would appreciate feedbacks😀


It's is a simple 0 dependency data validation library for Node.js, React, Angular, Vue, Vanilla JS etc


Features -

  1. Datatype Validations - String, Number, Integer, Float
  2. Numeric Validations - Prime Number, Odd, Even Number, Positive, Negative Number
  3. Form Type/ Real Life Data Validations - Email, URL, Password, Pass strength, Phone No.

Installation -

  1. NPM -
npm i is-it-dash
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Usage -

let validate = require('is-it-dash')
import validate from 'is-it-dash'

//Numeric Validations
console.log(validate.isOdd(4))  //false
console.log(validate.isNum(56.0087))  //true
console.log(validate.isFloat(56.0087))  //true
console.log(validate.isNegativeNum(0)) //false
console.log(validate.isPrime(6)) //false

//URL Validations
console.log(validate.isUrl("")) //true

//Email Validations
console.log(validate.isEmail("")) //true

//Password related validations
console.log(validate.passCheck("66767u$T",passLength=6,sepcialChars=true,numbers=true,upperCase=false)) //true
console.log(validate.passCheck("66767uT",passLength=6,sepcialChars=true,numbers=true,upperCase=false)) //false
console.log(validate.passStrength("abcd1234#")) //68

//Phone No Validations
console.log(validate.isPhone("+88","01936396228",11)) //true

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🟢 Github Repo

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