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Tufail Shah
Tufail Shah

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Chain some Math with Promises

This is a very simple and effective example on understanding promises, and how to pass in the arguments to it.

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Input a number, double it, increase it by 10, and then multiply by 3.

Each operation should be in a separate Promise and then chained together.* */

  .then((result) => {
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Write functions which return promise object and resolve those.

  1. double return => x * 2
  2. addTen return => x + 10
  3. multiplyByThree => x * 3

Check the solution on JS Fiddle or

Down Below

const value = 5;

const double = (value) => new Promise((resolve) => resolve(value * 2));

const addTen = (value) => new Promise((resolve) => resolve(value + 10));

const multiplyByThree = (value) => new Promise((resolve) => resolve(value * 3));

  .then((result) => {
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