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Anh Tu Nguyen
Anh Tu Nguyen

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B-tree: The Secret Recipe Behind Efficient Data Handling 🍰

Have you ever wondered how databases keep your data sorted and quickly accessible? It’s all thanks to B-trees! These powerful data structures are behind the scenes in many database systems, file storage systems, and your computer’s operating system. Let’s break down B-trees in an easy way.

What is a B-tree? 🌳

B-tree is a self-balancing data structure that keeps data sorted and supports efficient searches, sequential access, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time. It extends the concept of a binary search tree by permitting nodes to have more than two children.

A B-tree is a self-balancing search tree defined by the following properties:

  • Maximum Children: Every node can have up to m children.
  • Minimum Children: Every internal node (except the root and leaves) has at least ⌈m/2⌉ children.
  • Root Node: The root has at least two children unless it's a leaf.
  • Leaf Level Consistency: All leaves exist on the same level.
  • Keys and Separation: A non-leaf node with k children has k-1 keys, which serve as separation values dividing the node’s children.

How B-trees Work: An Easy Breakdown ⚙️

Searching a Key 🔍

In a B-tree, each node contains multiple keys, and a search starts from the root, comparing the key against all keys in the node. If the key isn’t found, the appropriate child node is followed. Each node reduces the search range considerably because B-trees remain balanced, with multiple keys per node. This ensures a worst-case time complexity of O(logₘ n), where m is the order of the B-tree (maximum number of children) and n is the number of elements.

Inserting a Key 🎯

Inserting data into a B-tree is like putting a book into a sorted bookshelf. The B-tree checks where it belongs finds the right place, and slides it in while keeping everything neat. If a shelf (node) gets too full, it splits into two smaller shelves, keeping the tree balanced.

Sounds easy, right? Let’s dive into an example to see how it works:

We have a B-tree where each node can have up to 4 children. Our task is to add key 10.


First, we find the right spot and place it in the correct order.


Uh-oh! The node now has 5 children, which exceeds the maximum allowed for a single node. We must split it in half and push the middle key to the parent node.


But wait—the top node is full! So, we repeat the process until the tree satisfies all its rules. Now, we get the balanced B-tree shown below!


Deleting a Key 🗑️

Deleting a key from a B-tree is a bit more complex. The tree must ensure that after deletion, the structure remains balanced:

Deleting a Key from a Leaf Node:

  • Simplest Case: If the key is in a leaf node, it can be directly removed.
  • Rebalancing: After deletion, if the node still has enough keys (≥⌈m/2⌉), no further action is needed. If it falls below this minimum, the node needs to borrow a key from a sibling or merge with a sibling, ensuring the B-tree properties are maintained.

Deleting a Key from an Internal (Middle) Node:

This case is trickier because internal nodes serve as separators for their subtrees. There are two approaches:

  • Replace with Predecessor/Successor: Replace the key with its predecessor (the largest key from the left subtree) or successor (the smallest key from the right subtree), then delete the predecessor/successor from its leaf node. This may trigger a recursive deletion in the leaf.

  • Merge or Borrow: If the node becomes underfilled after deletion (fewer than ⌈m/2⌉ keys), borrowing a key from an adjacent sibling or merging with a sibling is required. This ensures that the tree remains balanced. If merging happens, a key from the parent node must move down, potentially requiring further rebalancing up the tree.

Let’s say a B-tree of order 4 has the following structure:


In the example shown in the image, when we delete the root key 15 (an internal node), we follow these steps:

  • Replace Key: We replace 15 with the largest key from the left subtree, which is 10 (we could also use the smallest key from the right subtree, 20).

  • Remove Key: After replacement, we remove 10 from the leaf node.

  • Merge: Since the left leaf node now has fewer keys than required (below the minimum), we merge it with its sibling to maintain the B-tree properties.

This keeps the B-tree balanced.

Why B-trees Dominate Databases

Let’s consider a database with 1 million records stored on a disk, where finding one record using binary search would take 20 comparisons ( log2 (1,000,000) ≈ 20). Each comparison requires a disk read, and since each disk read takes around 10 milliseconds, searching would take 0.2 seconds.

However, databases improve this process using B-trees. By grouping data into disk blocks (e.g., 100 records per block) and using an index structure, B-trees dramatically reduce the number of disk reads. A B-tree with 100 entries per node reduces the number of reads to about 3 disk reads (because log100 (1,000,000) = 3), taking just 30 milliseconds.

In practice, B-trees ensure efficient searching because they minimize disk reads. This is critical in databases, where disk access is slow compared to in-memory comparisons. With fewer disk reads, B-trees make searches faster by using logarithmic time based on the number of children per node (logₘ n), where m can be large, making search times drastically shorter than in a binary search tree (BST).

In Conclusion

B-trees are like the librarians of data structures, ensuring everything is neatly organized, quickly accessible, and always balanced. Whether you're dealing with small data sets or massive databases, B-trees keep your data sorted and efficient behind the scenes! 🌳

For more in-depth information on B-trees, you can check out this detailed explanation on Wikipedia.

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