DEV Community

Udoh Deborah
Udoh Deborah

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Building a devopsfetch tool for Server Information Retrieval and Monitoring


DevOpsFetch is a tool designed for DevOps professionals to collect and display system information. It retrieves data such as active ports, user logins, Nginx configurations, Docker images, and container statuses. Additionally, it includes a systemd service to continuously monitor and log these activities.


  • Ports: Display all active ports and services or provide detailed information about a specific port.
  • Docker: List all Docker images and containers or provide detailed information about a specific container.
  • Nginx: Display all Nginx domains and their ports or provide detailed configuration information for a specific domain.
  • Users: List all users and their last login times or provide detailed information about a specific user.
  • Time Range: Display activities within a specified time range.


  • net-tools
  • nginx
  • logrotate



Ensure your system has the necessary dependencies installed. You can install them using the installation script provided.

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository:
   git clone
   cd devopsfetch
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  1. Run the installation script:
   chmod +x
   sudo ./
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This script will:

  • Install the required dependencies.
  • Copy the main script to /usr/local/bin.
  • Set up and start the systemd service.
  • Configure log rotation for the service.


Command-line Flags

  • -p, --port [port_number]: Display active ports. If a port number is provided, detailed information about that port is shown.
  • -d, --docker [container_name]: Display Docker information. If a container name is provided, detailed information about that container is shown.
  • -n, --nginx [domain]: Display Nginx information. If a domain is provided, detailed configuration information for that domain is shown.
  • -u, --users [username]: Display user information. If a username is provided, detailed information about that user is shown.
  • -t, --time [start] [end]: Display activities within the specified time range.
  • -h, --help: Display help information.


Display all active ports

sudo devopsfetch -p
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Display information for a specific port

sudo devopsfetch -p 80
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List all Docker images and containers

sudo devopsfetch -d
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Provide detailed information about a specific Docker container

sudo devopsfetch -d container_name
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Display all Nginx domains and their ports

sudo devopsfetch -n
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Provide detailed configuration information for a specific Nginx domain

sudo devopsfetch -n
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List all users and their last login times

sudo devopsfetch -u
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Provide detailed information about a specific user

sudo devopsfetch -u username
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Display activities within a specified time range

sudo devopsfetch -t "2024-07-01 00:00:00" "2024-07-01 23:59:59"
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DevOpsFetch logs its activities to /var/log/devopsfetch.log. Log rotation is configured to manage log files, rotating them daily and retaining logs for 7 days. To view the logs, you can use the following command:

sudo tail -f /var/log/devopsfetch.log
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This document provides a comprehensive overview of the DevOpsFetch project, including its features, installation instructions, usage examples, logging mechanism, and contribution guidelines. Adjust the repository URL and any other specific details as necessary.

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